Recent advances in small molecule fluorescent probes for simultaneous imaging of two bioactive molecules in live cells and in vivo
The interrelationships and synergistic regula-tions of bioactive molecules play pivotal roles in physiological and pathological processes involved in the initiation and development of some diseases,such as cancer and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.Therefore,the simultaneous,accurate and timely detection of two bioactive molecules is crucial to explore their roles and pathological mechanisms in related diseases.Fluores-cence imaging associated with small molecular probes has been widely used in the imaging of bioactive molecules in living cells and in vivo due to its excellent performances,including high sensitivity and selectivity,noninvasive properties,real-time and high spatial temporal resolution.Single organic molecule fluorescent probes have been successively developed to simultaneously monitor two biomolecules to uncover their synergistic relationships in living systems.Hence,in this review,we focus on summarizing the design strategies,classifications,and bioimaging applications of dual-response fluorescent probes over the past decade.Furthermore,future research directions in this field are proposed.
Yongqing Zhou;Xin Wang;Wei Zhang;Bo Tang;Ping Li
College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,Key Laboratory of Molecular and Nano Probes(Ministry of Education),Institutes of Biomedical Sciences,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China
[1]Yongqing Zhou;Xin Wang;Wei Zhang;Bo Tang;Ping Li-.Recent advances in small molecule fluorescent probes for simultaneous imaging of two bioactive molecules in live cells and in vivo)[J].化学科学与工程前沿,2022(01):4-33
Recent development in upconversion nanoparticles and their application in optogenetics:A review
Madhumita Patel;Maninder Meenu;Jitender Kumar Pandey;Pawan Kumar;Rajkumar Patel-Department of Chemistry and Nano Science,Ewha Womans University,Seodaemun-gu,Seoul,120-750,South Korea;College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;School of Basic and Applied Sciences,Adamas University,Kolkata,700126,India;Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Centre Energie Materiaux Télecommunications(INRS-EMT),Varennes,QC,Canada;Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,University of Oklahoma,101 Stephenson Parkway,Norman,OK,73019,United States;Energy&Environmental Science and Engineering(EESE),Integrated Science and Engineering Division(ISED),Underwood International College,Yonsei University,85 Songdogwahak-ro,Yeonsu-gu,Incheon,21983,South Korea
Fluorescent probes for the detection of disease-associated biomarkers
Wei-Tao Dou;Hai-Hao Han;Adam C.Sedgwick;Guo-Biao Zhu;Yi Zang;Xin-Rong Yang;Juyoung Yoon;Tony D.James;Jia Li;Xiao-Peng He-Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Joint International Research Laboratory of Precision Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,Feringa Nobel Prize Scientist Joint Research Center,Frontiers Center for Materiobiology and Dynamic Chemistry,School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China;Department of Chemistry,The University of Texas at Austin,Austin,TX 78712-1224,USA;National Center for Drug Screening,State Key Laboratory of Drug Research,Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201203,China;Department of Liver Surgery&Transplantation,Liver Cancer Institute,Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University,Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Cancer Invasion,Ministry of Education,Shanghai 200032,China;Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience,Ewha Womans University,Seoul 03760,Republic of Korea;Department of Chemistry,University of Bath,Bath BA2 7AY,UK;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China