Artificial gut and the applications in poultry:A review
Artificial gut models including both the gastric and intestinal phases have been used in poultry research for decades to predict the digestibility of nutrients,the efficacy of feed enzymes and additives,and caecal fermentation.However,the models used in the past are static and cannot be used to predict interactions between the feed,gut environment and microbiome.It is imperative that a standard artificial gut model for poultry is established,to enable these interactions to be examined without continual reliance on animals.To ensure the validity of an artificial model,it should be validated with in vivo studies.This review describes current practices in the use of artificial guts in research,their importance in poultry nutrition studies and highlights an opportunity to develop a dynamic gut model for poultry to reduce the number of in vivo experiments.
Nishchal K.Sharma;Shu-Biao Wu;Natalie K.Morgan;Tamsyn M.Crowley
School of Environmental and Rural Science,University of New England,Armidale,NSW,2351,Australia;Poultry Hub Australia,University of New England,Armidale,NSW 2351,Australia;IMPACT,School of Medicine,Deakin University,Geelong,Victoria,3217,Australia
[1]Nishchal K.Sharma;Shu-Biao Wu;Natalie K.Morgan;Tamsyn M.Crowley-.Artificial gut and the applications in poultry:A review)[J].动物营养(英文),2022(03):156-166
Metabolomic fingerprinting of pig seminal plasma identifies in vivo fertility biomarkers
Yentel Mateo-Otero;Pol Fernández-López;Ariadna Delgado-Bermúdez;Pau Nolis;Jordi Roca;Jordi Miró;Isabel Barranco;Marc Yeste-Biotechnology of Animal and Human Reproduction(TechnoSperm),Institute of Food and Agricultural Technology,University of Girona,ES-17003 Girona,Spain;Department of Biology,Unit of Cell Biology,Faculty of Sciences,University of Girona,ES-17003 Girona,Spain;Centre d'Estudis Avan?ats de Blanes(CEAB),Spanish Research Council(CSIC),ES-17300 Girona,Spain;Magnetic Nuclear Resonance Facility,Autonomous University of Barcelona,Bellaterra,ES-08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès,Spain;Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,University of Murcia,ES-30100 Murcia,Spain;Equine Reproduction Service,Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Autonomous University of Barcelona,Bellaterra,ES-08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès,Spain;Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences,University of Bologna,IT-40064 Ozzano dell'Emilia,Bologna,Italy
A plant-based diet supplemented with Hermetia illucens alone or in combination with poultry by-product meal:one step closer to sustainable aquafeeds for European seabass
Ivana Lepen Pleić;Ivana Bušelić;Maria Messina;Jerko Hrabar;LukaŽuvić;Igor Talijančić;IvaŽužul;Tina Pavelin;Ivana Anđelić;Jelka Pleadin;Jasna Puizina;Leon Grubišić;Emilio Tibaldi;TanjaŠegvić-Bubić-Laboratory of Aquaculture,Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries,?etali?te I.Me?trovi?a 63,21000 Split,Croatia;Department of Agriculture,Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences,University of Udine,Udine,Italy;Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science,University of Split,Ru?era Bo?kovi?a 33,21000 Split,Croatia;Croatian Veterinary Institute,Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry,Savska Cesta 143,10000,Zagreb,Croatia;Department of Biology,Faculty of Science,University of Split,Ru?era Bo?kovi?a 33,21000 Split,Croatia