Evolution of respiratory system compliance and potential for lung recruitment in COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome ☆
Background::Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been frequently complicated by severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with prolonged invasive ventilation. While respiratory system compliance and lung recruitability have been described within the first days after ICU admission, data about their longitudinal changes are still limited. Therefore, we conducted this study to assess the evolution of respiratory system compliance and lung recruitability in patients with COVID-19-related ARDS.Method::We conducted a prospective single-center study in patients admitted for COVID-19-related ARDS during the first wave of the pandemic, from March 16, 2020 to April 10, 2020. Respiratory system compliance was calculated daily at clinical positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) during passive breathing. The potential for lung recruitment was assessed by measuring the volume derecruited between PEEP 15 cmH 2O and 5 cmH 2O, and using the calculation of the recruitment-to-inflation ratio (R/I ratio). Recruitable lung was considered when the R/I ratio was at least 0.5. The primary outcome was the evolution of respiratory mechanics over time. The secondary outcome was the evolution of lung recruitability over time. Results::Thirty-two patients were included in this study. The respiratory mechanics were assessed 222 times (7 ± 5 times per patient). Respiratory system compliance at clinical PEEP was 29.1 mL/cmH 2O (interquartile range [IQR]: 24.1-33.9 mL/cmH 2O) and decreased significantly over time ( P <0.0001). Lung recruitability was assessed in 22 out of the 32 patients (60 assessments). The median volume derecruited between PEEP 15 cmH 2O and 5 cmH 2O was 246.8 mL (IQR: 180.8-352.2 mL) and the median R/I ratio was 0.56 (IQR: 0.39-0.73). Neither changed significantly over time. The proportion of patients with recruitable lung was 50.0% (6/12) within the first 3 days after intubation, 69.2% (9/13) between day 4 and day 7, and 66.7% (8/12) after day 7 ( P=0.7934). Conclusions::In our cohort, respiratory system compliance was low and decreased over time. The potential for lung recruitment was high and persisted despite prolonged mechanical ventilation, suggesting that maintaining high PEEP levels in the later course of COVID-19 could be adequate.
Lung compliance;Alveolar recruitability;Respiratory distress syndrome;COVID-19
Rodriguez Maeva;Pape Sylvain Le;Arrivé Fran?ois;Frat Jean-Pierre;Thille Arnaud W.;Coudroy Rémi
CHU de Poitiers, Service de Médecine Intensive Réanimation, Poitiers F86000, France;INSERM, CIC-1402 IS-ALIVE Research Group, University of Poitiers, Poitiers F86000, France
[1]Rodriguez Maeva;Pape Sylvain Le;Arrivé Fran?ois;Frat Jean-Pierre;Thille Arnaud W.;Coudroy Rémi-.Evolution of respiratory system compliance and potential for lung recruitment in COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome ☆)[J].重症医学(英文),2022(04):260-267
Evolution,respiratory,system,compliance,potential,lung,recruitment,induced,acute,distress,syndrome,Background,Coronavirus,disease,has,been,frequently,complicated,by,severe,ARDS,prolonged,invasive,ventilation,While,have,described,within,first,days,after,ICU,admission,data,about,their,longitudinal,changes,are,still,limited,Therefore,conducted,this,study,evolution,patients,related,Method,We,prospective,single,center,admitted,during,wave,pandemic,from,March,April,Respiratory,was,calculated,daily,clinical,positive,end,expiratory,pressure,PEEP,passive,breathing,assessed,measuring,volume,between,cmH ,2O,using,calculation,inflation,ratio,considered,when,least,primary,outcome,mechanics,over,secondary,Results,Thirty,two,were,included,times,interquartile,range,IQR,decreased,significantly,Lung,assessments,median,Neither,changed,proportion,intubation,Conclusions,In,cohort,low,high,persisted,despite,mechanical,suggesting,that,maintaining,levels,later,course,could,adequate,Alveolar
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