Conductivity effects during the transition from collisionless to collisional regimes in cylindrical inductively coupled plasmas
A numerical model is developed to study the conductivity effects during the transition from collisionless to collisional regimes in cylindrical inductively coupled argon plasmas at pressures of 0.1-20 Pa.The model consists of electron kinetics module,electromagnetics module,and global model module.It allows for self-consistent description of non-local electron kinetics and collisionless electron heating in terms of the conductivity of homogeneous hot plasma.Simulation results for non-local conductivity case are compared with predictions for the assumption of local conductivity case.Electron densities and effective electron temperatures under non-local and local conductivities show obvious differences at relatively low pressures.As increasing pressure,the results under the two cases of conductivities tend to converge,which indicates the transition from collisionless to collisional regimes.At relatively low pressures the local negative power absorption is predicted by non-local conductivity case but not captured by local conductivity case.The two-dimensional(2D)profiles of electron current density and electric field are coincident for local conductivity case in the pressure range of interest,but it roughly holds true for non-local conductivity case at very high pressure.In addition,an effective conductivity with consideration of non-collisional stochastic heating effect is introduced.The effective conductivity almost reproduces the electron density and effective electron temperature for the non-local conductivity case,but does not capture the non-local relation between electron current and electric field as well as the local negative power absorption that is observed for non-local conductivity case at low pressures.
Wei YANG;Fei GAO;Younian WANG
College of Science,Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,People's Republic of China;School of Physics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,People's Republic of China
[1]Wei YANG;Fei GAO;Younian WANG-.Conductivity effects during the transition from collisionless to collisional regimes in cylindrical inductively coupled plasmas)[J].等离子体科学和技术(英文版),2022(05):118-133
Detailed characterization of a laboratory magnetized supercritical collisionless shock and of the associated proton energization
W.Yao;A.Fazzini;S.N.Chen;K.Burdonov;P.Antici;J.Béard;S.Bola?os;A.Ciardi;R.Diab;E.D.Filippov;S.Kisyov;V.Lelasseux;M.Miceli;Q.Moreno;V.Nastasa;S.Orlando;S.Pikuz;D.C.Popescu;G.Revet;X.Ribeyre;E.d'Humières;J.Fuchs-LULI-CNRS,CEA,UPMC Univ Paris 06:Sorbonne Université,Ecole Polytechnique,Institut Polytechnique de Paris,F-91128 Palaiseau Cedex,France;Sorbonne Université,Observatoire de Paris,Université PSL,CNRS,LERMA,F-75005 Paris,France;ELI-NP,"Horia Hulubei"National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering,30 Reactorului Street,RO-077125 Bucharest-Magurele,Romania;IAP,Russian Academy of Sciences,603155 Nizhny Novgorod,Russia;INRS-EMT,1650 Blvd.Lionel-Boulet,Varennes,Quebec J3X 1S2,Canada;LNCMI,UPR 3228,CNRS-UGA-UPS-INSA,F-31400 Toulouse,France;JIHT,Russian Academy of Sciences,125412 Moscow,Russia;Università degli Studi di Palermo,Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica E.Segrè,Piazza del Parlamento 1,90134 Palermo,Italy;INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo,Palermo,Italy;University of Bordeaux,Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications,CNRS,CEA,UMR 5107,F-33405 Talence,France;ELI-Beamlines,Institute of Physics,Czech Academy of Sciences,5 Kvetna 835,25241 Dolni Brezany,Czech Republic;NRNU MEPhI,115409 Moscow,Russia