Machine learning and data-driven prediction of pore pressure from geophysical logs:A case study for the Mangahewa gas field,New Zealand
Pore pressure is an essential parameter for establishing reservoir conditions,geological interpretation and drilling programs.Pore pressure prediction depends on information from various geophysical logs,seismic,and direct down-hole pressure measurements.However,a level of uncertainty accompanies the prediction of pore pressure because insufficient information is usually recorded in many wells.Applying machine learning(ML)algorithms can decrease the level of uncertainty of pore pressure prediction uncertainty in cases where available information is limited.In this research,several ML techniques are applied to predict pore pressure through the over-pressured Eocene reservoir section penetrated by four wells in the Mangahewa gas field,New Zealand.Their predictions substantially outperform,in terms of prediction performance,those generated using a multiple linear regression(MLR)model.The geophysical logs used as input variables are sonic,temperature and density logs,and some direct pore pressure measurements were available at the reservoir level to calibrate the predictions.A total of 25,935 data records involving six well-log input variables were evaluated across the four wells.All ML methods achieved credible levels of pore pressure prediction performance.The most accurate models for pre-dicting pore pressure in individual wells on a supervised basis are decision tree(DT),adaboost(ADA),random forest(RF)and transparent open box(TOB).The DT achieved root mean square error(RMSE)ranging from 0.25 psi to 14.71 psi for the four wells.The trained models were less accurate when deployed on a semi-supervised basis to predict pore pressure in the other wellbores.For two wells(Mangahewa-03 and Mangahewa-06),semi-supervised prediction achieved acceptable prediction per-formance of RMSE of 130-140 psi;while for the other wells,semi-supervised prediction performance was reduced to RMSE>300 psi.The results suggest that these models can be used to predict pore pressure in nearby locations,i.e.similar geology at corresponding depths within a field,but they become less reliable as the step-out distance increases and geological conditions change significantly.In com-parison to other approaches to predict pore pressures,this study has identified that application of several ML algorithms involving a large number of data records can lead to more accurate prediction results.
Ahmed E.Radwan;David A.Wood;Ahmed A.Radwan
Faculty of Geography and Geology,Institute of Geological Sciences,Jagiellonian University,Kraków,30-387,Poland;Exploration Department,Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company,Cairo,Egypt;DWA Energy Limited,Lincoln,UK;Department of Geology,Faculty of Science,Al-Azhar University,Assiut Branch,Assiut,71524,Egypt
[1]Ahmed E.Radwan;David A.Wood;Ahmed A.Radwan-.Machine learning and data-driven prediction of pore pressure from geophysical logs:A case study for the Mangahewa gas field,New Zealand)[J].岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版),2022(06):1799-1809
Dynamic analysis of heat extraction rate by supercritical carbon dioxide in fractured rock mass based on a thermal-hydraulic-mechanics coupled model
Chunguang Wang;Xingkai Shi;Wei Zhang;Derek Elsworth;Guanglei Cui;Shuqing Liu;Hongxu Wang;Weiqiang Song;Songtao Hu;Peng Zheng-College of Energy and Mining Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China;New-energy Development Center of Sinopec Shengli Oilfield,Dongying 257001,China;Energy and Mineral Engineering and G3 Center,Penn State University,University Park,PA 16802,USA;Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Safe Mining of Deep Metal Mines,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110004,China;Shandong Provincial Geo-Mineral Engineering Co.,Ltd,Jinan 250013,China;Qingdao Wofu New Energy Science and Technology Co.,Ltd,Qingdao 266010,China
Mapping the spatial distribution of fossil geothermal manifestations and assessment of geothermal potential of the Tangyin rift,Southeast of Taihang Mountain in China
MAHWA Joshua;LI Da-jiang;PING Jian-hua;LENG Wei;TANG Jia-bo;SHAO Dong-yun-School of Water Conservancy and Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;Department of Geology,College of Earth Science,University of Dodoma,Box 11090,Dodoma,Tanzania;Power China Henan Engineering CO.,LTD,No.30 Changchun Road,High and New Technology Industries Development Zone,Zhengzhou 450001,China;Geothermal and Ecological Geology Research Centre,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;College of Ecology and Environment,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;Power China Geothermal Development CO.,LTD,No.30 Changchun Road,High and New Technology Industries Development Zone,Zhengzhou 450001,China