Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in MoSi2N4/VSi2N4 Heterojunction by First Principles Calculation
Van der Waals(vdW)layered two-dimensional(2D)materials,which may have high carrier mobility,valley polarization,excellent mechanical properties and air stability,have been widely investigated before.We ex-plore the possibility of producing a spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas(2DEG)in the heterojunction composed of insulators MoSi2N4 and VSi2N4 by using first-principles calculations.Due to the charge trans-fer effect,the 2DEG at the interface of the MoSi2N4/VSi2N4 heterojunction is found.Further,for different kinds of stacking of heterojunctions,lattice strain and electric fields can effectively tune the electronic struc-tures and lead to metal-to-semiconductor transition.Under compressive strain or electric field parallel to c axis,the 2DEG disappears and band gap opening occurs.On the contrary,interlayer electron transfer enforces the system to become metallic under the condition of tensile strain or electric field anti-parallel to c axis.These changes are mainly attributed to electronic redistribution and orbitals'reconstruction.In addition,we reveal that MoSi2N4/VSi2N4 lateral heterojunctions of armchair and zigzag edges exhibit different electronic proper-ties,such as a large band gap semiconductor and a metallic state.Our findings provide insights into electronic band engineering of MoSi2N4/VSi2N4 heterojunctions and pave the way for future spintronics applications.
Ruiling Gao;Chao Liu;Le Fang;Bixia Yao;Wei Wu;Qiling Xiao;Shunbo Hu;Yu Liu;Heng Gao;Shixun Cao;Guangsheng Song;Xiangjian Meng;Xiaoshuang Chen;Wei Ren
Physics Department,State Key Laboratory of Advanced Special Steel,Materials Genome Institute,Shanghai Key Laboratory of High Temperature Superconductors,International Center of Quantum and Molecular Structures,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China;Key Laboratory of Green Fabrication and Surface Technology of Advanced Metal Materials(Ministry of Education),Anhui University of Technology,Maanshan 243002,China;State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Department of Physics,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China;State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics,Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200083,China
[1]Ruiling Gao;Chao Liu;Le Fang;Bixia Yao;Wei Wu;Qiling Xiao;Shunbo Hu;Yu Liu;Heng Gao;Shixun Cao;Guangsheng Song;Xiangjian Meng;Xiaoshuang Chen;Wei Ren-.Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in MoSi2N4/VSi2N4 Heterojunction by First Principles Calculation)[J].中国物理快报(英文版),2022(12):57-64
Influence of Halide Choice on Formation of Low-Dimensional Perovskite Interlayer in Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
Xueping Liu;Thomas Webb;Linjie Dai;Kangyu Ji;Joel A.Smith;Rachel C.Kilbride;Mozhgan Yavari;Jinxin Bi;Aobo Ren;Yuanyuan Huang;Zhuo Wang;Yonglong Shen;Guosheng Shao;Stephen J.Sweeney;Steven Hinder;Hui Li;David G.Lidzey;Samuel D.Stranks;Neil C.Greenham;S.Ravi P.Silva;Wei Zhang-State Center for International Cooperation on Designer Low-carbon&Environmental Materials(CDLCEM),Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;Advanced Technology Institute,Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,University of Surrey,Guildford GU2 7XH,UK;Cavendish Laboratory,University of Cambridge,Cambridge CB3 0HE,UK;Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Sheffield,Sheffield S37RH,UK;Department of Physics,University of Oxford,Clarendon Laboratory,Oxford OX1 3PU,UK;Advanced Technology Institute and Department of Physics,University of Surrey,Guildford GU2 7XH,UK;The Surface Analysis Laboratory,Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences,University of Surrey,Guildford GU2 7XH,UK;Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,University of Cambridge,Cambridge CB3 0AS,UK