Compact nano-void spectrometer based on a stable engineered scattering system
Random scattering of light in disordered media can be used for highly sensitive speckle-based wavemeters and spectrometers.However,the multiple scattering events that fold long optical paths within a compact space also make such devices exceedingly sensitive to vibrations and small disturbances to the disordered media.Here,we show how scattering can be engineered so that it can be used for a compact computational spectrometer that is largely insensitive to environmental factors.We designed and fabricated a three-dimensional pseudo-random nano-void pattern with 62%scattering efficiency.The controlled amount of multiple scattering ensured a suffi-ciently long optical path for the target resolution of 100 pm,with optimal long-term stability.The 200-um-thick scattering silica substrate was integrated in a compact assembly with a low-cost camera sensor.The target res-olution was achieved for full spectrum measurements while single wavelengths could be determined with 50 pm resolution.Such tailored scattering systems can improve the trade-off among cost,size,stability,and spectral resolution in computational spectrometers.
Optoelectronics Research Centre,University of Southampton,Southampton,SO17 1BJ,UK;University of Dundee,Nethergate,Dundee,DD1 4HN,UK;University of Exeter,Exeter,EX4 4QL,UK
[1]QI SUN;PRZEMYSLAW FALAK;TOM VETTENBURG;TIMOTHY LEE;DAVID B.PHILLIPS;GILBERTO BRAMBILLA;MARTYNAS BERESNA-.Compact nano-void spectrometer based on a stable engineered scattering system)[J].光子学研究(英文),2022(10):2328-2336
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