Helmholtz equation and non-singular boundary elements applied to multi-disciplinary physical problems
The famous scientist Hermann von Helmholtz was born 200 years ago.Many complex physical wave phenomena in engineering can effectively be described using one or a set of equations named after him:the Helmholtz equation.Although this has been known for a long time,from a theoretical point of view,the actual numerical implementation has often been hindered by divergence-free and/or curl-free constraints.There is further a need for a numerical method that is accurate,reliable and takes into account radiation conditions at infinity.The classical boundary element method satisfies the last condition,yet one has to deal with singularities in the implementation.We review here how a recently developed singularity-free three-dimensional boundary element framework with superior accuracy can be used to tackle such problems only using one or a few Helmholtz equations with higher order(quadratic)elements which can tackle complex curved shapes.Examples are given for acoustics(a Helmholtz resonator among others)and electromagnetic scattering.
Evert Klaseboer;Qiang Sun
Institute of High Performance Computing,1 Fusionopolis Way,Singapore 138632,Singapore;Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics,School of Science,RMIT University,Melbourne,VIC 3001,Australia
[1]Evert Klaseboer;Qiang Sun-.Helmholtz equation and non-singular boundary elements applied to multi-disciplinary physical problems)[J].理论物理,2022(08):18-34
Polarization conversion using customized subwavelength laser-induced periodic surface structures on stainless steel
Mahmoud H. Elshorbagy;Luis Miguel Sánchez-Brea;Jerónimo Buencuerpo;Jesús del Hoyo;ángela Soria-García;Verónica Pastor-Villarrubia;Alejandro San-Blas;Ainara Rodríguez;Santiago Miguel Olaizola;Javier Alda-Grupo Complutense de óptica Aplicada, Departamento de óptica, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Plaza de las Ciencias S.N., 28040 Madrid, Spain;Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Minia University, 61519 El-Minya, Egypt;L’Institut Photovolta?que d’?le-de-France (IPVF), 18 Bd Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France;Ceit-Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Manuel Lardizabal 15, 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain;Universidad de Navarra, Tecnun, Manuel Lardizabal 13, 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain
Polarization conversion using customized subwavelength laser-induced periodic surface structures on stainless steel
MAHMOUD H.ELSHORBAGY;LUIS MIGUEL SáNCHEZ-BREA;JERóNIMO BUENCUERPO;JESúS DEL HOYO;áNGELA SORIA-GARCíA;VERóNICA PASTOR-VILLARRUBIA;ALEJANDRO SAN-BLAS;AINARA RODRíGUEZ;SANTIAGO MIGUEL OLAIZOLA;JAVIER ALDA-Grupo Complutense de óptica Aplicada,Departamento de óptica,Facultad de Ciencias Físicas,Universidad Complutense de Madrid,Plaza de las Ciencias S.N.,28040 Madrid,Spain;Physics Department,Faculty of Science,Minia University,61519 El-Minya,Egypt;L'Institut Photovolta?que d'?le-de-France(IPVF),18 Bd Thomas Gobert,91120 Palaiseau,France;Ceit-Basque Research and Technology Alliance(BRTA),Manuel Lardizabal 15,20018 Donostia/San Sebastián,Spain;Universidad de Navarra,Tecnun,Manuel Lardizabal 13,20018 Donostia/San Sebastián,Spain