Polarization multiplexed diffractive computing:all-optical implementation of a group of linear transformations through a polarization-encoded diffractive network
Research on optical computing has recently attracted significant attention due to the transformative advances in machine learning.Among different approaches,diffractive optical networks composed of spatially-engineered transmissive surfaces have been demonstrated for all-optical statistical inference and performing arbitrary linear transformations using passive,free-space optical layers.Here,we introduce a polarization-multiplexed diffractive processor to all-optically perform multiple,arbitrarily-selected linear transformations through a single diffractive network trained using deep learning.In this framework,an array of pre-selected linear polarizers is positioned between trainable transmissive diffractive materials that are isotropic,and different target linear transformations(complex-valued)are uniquely assigned to different combinations of input/output polarization states.The transmission layers of this polarization-multiplexed diffractive network are trained and optimized via deep learning and error-backpropagation by using thousands of examples of the input/output fields corresponding to each one of the complex-valued linear transformations assigned to diffferent input/output polarization combinations.Our results and analysis reveal that a single diffractive network can successfully approximate and all-optically implement a group of arbitrarily-selected target transformations with a negligible error when the number of trainable diffractive features/neurons(N)approaches NpNiNo1where Ni and No represent the number of pixels at the input and output fields-of-view,respectively,and Np refers to the number of unique linear transformations assigned to different input/output polarization combinations.This polarization-multiplexed all-optical diffractive processor can find various applications in optical computing and polarization-based machine vision tasks.
Jingxi Li;Yi-Chun Hung;Onur Kulce;Deniz Mengu;Aydogan Ozcan
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,University of California,Los Angeles,CA 90095,USA;Bioengineering Department,University of California,Los Angeles,CA 90095,USA;California NanoSystems Institute(CNSI),University of California,Los Angeles,CA 90095,USA
[1]Jingxi Li;Yi-Chun Hung;Onur Kulce;Deniz Mengu;Aydogan Ozcan-.Polarization multiplexed diffractive computing:all-optical implementation of a group of linear transformations through a polarization-encoded diffractive network)[J].光:科学与应用(英文版),2022(07):1423-1442
Polarization conversion using customized subwavelength laser-induced periodic surface structures on stainless steel
Mahmoud H. Elshorbagy;Luis Miguel Sánchez-Brea;Jerónimo Buencuerpo;Jesús del Hoyo;ángela Soria-García;Verónica Pastor-Villarrubia;Alejandro San-Blas;Ainara Rodríguez;Santiago Miguel Olaizola;Javier Alda-Grupo Complutense de óptica Aplicada, Departamento de óptica, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Plaza de las Ciencias S.N., 28040 Madrid, Spain;Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Minia University, 61519 El-Minya, Egypt;L’Institut Photovolta?que d’?le-de-France (IPVF), 18 Bd Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France;Ceit-Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Manuel Lardizabal 15, 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain;Universidad de Navarra, Tecnun, Manuel Lardizabal 13, 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain
Polarization conversion using customized subwavelength laser-induced periodic surface structures on stainless steel
MAHMOUD H.ELSHORBAGY;LUIS MIGUEL SáNCHEZ-BREA;JERóNIMO BUENCUERPO;JESúS DEL HOYO;áNGELA SORIA-GARCíA;VERóNICA PASTOR-VILLARRUBIA;ALEJANDRO SAN-BLAS;AINARA RODRíGUEZ;SANTIAGO MIGUEL OLAIZOLA;JAVIER ALDA-Grupo Complutense de óptica Aplicada,Departamento de óptica,Facultad de Ciencias Físicas,Universidad Complutense de Madrid,Plaza de las Ciencias S.N.,28040 Madrid,Spain;Physics Department,Faculty of Science,Minia University,61519 El-Minya,Egypt;L'Institut Photovolta?que d'?le-de-France(IPVF),18 Bd Thomas Gobert,91120 Palaiseau,France;Ceit-Basque Research and Technology Alliance(BRTA),Manuel Lardizabal 15,20018 Donostia/San Sebastián,Spain;Universidad de Navarra,Tecnun,Manuel Lardizabal 13,20018 Donostia/San Sebastián,Spain