Spinal cord injury-induced cognitive impairment:a narrative review
Spinal cord injury is a serious damage to the spinal cord that can lead to life-long disability.Based on its etiology,spinal cord injury can be classified as traumatic or non-traumatic spinal cord injury.Furthermore,the pathology of spinal cord injury can be divided into two phases,a primary injury phase,and a secondary injury phase.The primary spinal cord injury phase involves the initial mechanical injury in which the physical force of impact is directly imparted to the spinal cord,disrupting blood vessels,axons,and neural cell membranes.After the primary injury,a cascade of secondary events begins,expanding the zone of neural tissue damage,and exacerbating neurological deficits.Secondary injury is a progressive condition characterized by pro-inflammatory cytokines,reactive oxygen species,oxidative damage,excitatory amino acids such as glutamate,loss of ionic homeostasis,mitochondrial dysfunction,and cell death.This secondary phase lasts for several weeks or months and can be further subdivided into acute,subacute,and chronic.One of the most frequent and devastating complications developed among the spinal cord injury population is cognitive impairment.The risk of cognitive decline after spinal cord injury has been reported to be 13 times higher than in healthy individuals.The exact etiology of this neurological complication remains unclear,however,many factors have been proposed as potential contributors to the development of this disorder,such as concomitant traumatic brain injury,hypoxia,anoxia,autonomic dysfunction,sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea,body temperature dysregulation,alcohol abuse,and certain drugs.This review focuses on a deep understanding of the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury and its relationship to cognitive impairment.We highlight the main mechanisms that lead to the development of this neurological complication in patients with spinal cord injury.
Oscar V.Alcántar-Garibay;Diego Incontri-Abraham;Antonio Ibarra
Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud(CICSA),Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud,Universidad Anáhuac México Campus Norte,Huixquilucan,Estado de México,México
[1]Oscar V.Alcántar-Garibay;Diego Incontri-Abraham;Antonio Ibarra-.Spinal cord injury-induced cognitive impairment:a narrative review)[J].中国神经再生研究(英文版),2022(12):2649-2654
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Ralf Böthig;Christian Tiburtius;Wolfgang Schöps;Michael Zellner;Oliver Balzer;Birgitt Kowald;Sven Hirschfeld;Roland Thietje;Aki Pietsch;Ines Kurze;Martin Forchert;Thura Kadhum;Klaus Golka-Department of Neuro-Urology,Centre for Spinal Cord Injuries,BG Klinikum Hamburg,21033 Hamburg,Germany;Urological Practice,53757 Sankt Augustin,Germany;Department of Urology and Neuro-Urology,Johannesbad Fachklinik,94072 Bad Füssing,Germany;Biomechanical Laboratory,Centre for Spinal Cord Injuries,BG Klinikum Hamburg,21033 Hamburg,Germany;Centre for Spinal Cord Injuries,BG Klinikum Hamburg,21033 Hamburg,Germany;Department of Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine,BG Klinikum Hamburg,21033 Hamburg,Germany;Department of Paraplegiology and Neuro-Urology,Centre for Spinal Cord Injuries,Zentralklinik Bad Berka,99437 Bad Berka,Germany;Staff Position Accident Insurance Law,Statutory Accident Insurance for Wood and Metal(BGHM),33602 Bielefeld,Germany;Department of Psychosomatic Rehabilitation,Mittelrheinklinik Fachklinik,56154 Boppard-Bad Salzig,Germany;Clinical Occupational Medicine,Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors at TU Dortmund(IfADo),44139 Dortmund,Germany
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Zara Raza;Syeda F.Hussain;Suzanne Ftouni;Gershon Spitz;Nick Caplin;Russell G.Foster;Renata S.M.Gomes-Research and Innovation,Blind Veterans UK,12?14 Harcourt Street,London W1H 4HD,UK;BRAVO VICTOR,Research,12?14 Harcourt Street,London W1H 4HD,UK;Circadian Therapeutics,Oxford OX11BY,UK;School of Psychological Sciences,Monash University,18 Innovation Walk,Clayton Campus,Wellington Road,Melbourne,VIC 3800,Australia;Sleep&Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi),Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences,Sir William Dunn School of Pathology,Oxford Molecular Pathology Institute,University of Oxford,South Parks Road,Oxford OX13RF,UK;Northern Hub for Veterans and Military Families Research,Department of Nursing,Midwifery and Health,Faculty of Health and Life Sciences,Northumbria University,Newcastle NE77XA,UK
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Longshan Ji;Qian Li;Yong He;Xin Zhang;Zhenhua Zhou;Yating Gao;Miao Fang;Zhuo Yu;Robim M.Rodrigues;Yueqiu Gao;Man Li-Laboratory of Cellular Immunity,Institute of Clinical Immunology,Shanghai Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Key Laboratory of Liver and Kidney Diseases(Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine),Ministry of Education,Shanghai 201203,China;Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201203,China;Department of Hepatopathy,Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China;Department of in Vitro Toxicology and Dermato-Cosmetology,Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,Vrije Universiteit Brussel,Brussels 1000,Belgium