The endogenous progenitor response following traumatic brain injury: a target for cell therapy paradigms
Although there is ample evidence that central nervous system progenitor pools respond to traumatic brain injury, the reported effects are variable and likely contribute to both recovery as well as pathophysiology. Through a better understanding of the diverse progenitor populations in the adult brain and their niche-specific reactions to traumatic insult, treatments can be tailored to enhance the benefits and dampen the deleterious effects of this response. This review provides an overview of endogenous precursors, the associated effects on cognitive recovery, and the potential of exogenous cell therapeutics to modulate these endogenous repair mechanisms. Beyond the hippocampal dentate gyrus and subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles, more recently identified sites of adult neurogenesis, the meninges, as well as circumventricular organs, are also discussed as targets for endogenous repair. Importantly, this review highlights that progenitor proliferation alone is no longer a meaningful outcome and studies must strive to better characterize precursor spatial localization, transcriptional profile, morphology, and functional synaptic integration. With improved insight and a more targeted approach, the stimulation of endogenous neurogenesis remains a promising strategy for recovery following traumatic brain injury.
Anna Badner;Brian J.Cummings
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,Stanford University,Palo Alto,CA,USA;Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Center,University of California-Irvine,Irvine,CA,USA;Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders,University of California-Irvine,Irvine,CA,USA;Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,University of California-Irvine,Irvine,CA,USA;Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology,University of California-Irvine,Irvine,CA,USA
[1]Anna Badner;Brian J.Cummings-.The endogenous progenitor response following traumatic brain injury: a target for cell therapy paradigms)[J].中国神经再生研究(英文版),2022(11):2351-2354
Dementia in military and veteran populations: a review of risk factors—traumatic brain injury, post?traumatic stress disorder, deployment, and sleep
Zara Raza;Syeda F.Hussain;Suzanne Ftouni;Gershon Spitz;Nick Caplin;Russell G.Foster;Renata S.M.Gomes-Research and Innovation,Blind Veterans UK,12?14 Harcourt Street,London W1H 4HD,UK;BRAVO VICTOR,Research,12?14 Harcourt Street,London W1H 4HD,UK;Circadian Therapeutics,Oxford OX11BY,UK;School of Psychological Sciences,Monash University,18 Innovation Walk,Clayton Campus,Wellington Road,Melbourne,VIC 3800,Australia;Sleep&Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi),Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences,Sir William Dunn School of Pathology,Oxford Molecular Pathology Institute,University of Oxford,South Parks Road,Oxford OX13RF,UK;Northern Hub for Veterans and Military Families Research,Department of Nursing,Midwifery and Health,Faculty of Health and Life Sciences,Northumbria University,Newcastle NE77XA,UK
Spinal cord injury reprograms muscle fibroadipogenic progenitors to form heterotopic bones within muscles
Hsu-Wen Tseng;Dorothée Girard;Kylie A.Alexander;Susan M.Millard;Frédéric Torossian;Adrienne Anginot;Whitney Fleming;Jules Gueguen;Marie-Emmanuelle Goriot;Denis Clay;Beulah Jose;Bianca Nowlan;Allison R.Pettit;Marjorie Salga;Fra?ois Genêt;Marie-Carline Le Bousse-Kerdilès;Sébastien Banzet;Jean-Pierre Lévesque-Mater Research Institute—The University of Queensland,Woolloongabba,QLD,Australia;Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées(IRBA),INSERM UMRS-MD,1197 Clamart,France;INSERM UMRS-MD 1197,Université de Paris-Saclay,H?pital Paul Brousse,Villejuif ,France;INSERM UMS-44,Université de Paris-Saclay,H?pital Paul Brousse,Villejuif,France;UPOH(Unité Péri Opératoire du Handicap,Perioperative Disability Unit),Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine department,Raymond-Poincaré Hospital,Assistance Publique-H?pitaux de Paris(AP-HP),Garches,France;Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines,UFR Simone Veil-Santé,END:ICAP INSERM U1179,Montigny le Bretonneux,France
NFAT inhibitor 11R-VIVIT ameliorates mouse renal fibrosis after ischemia-reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury
Zhi-yong Xie;Wei Dong;Li Zhang;Meng-jie Wang;Zhen-meng Xiao;Yu-hua Zhang;Wan-xin Shi;Ying Huang;Yan Yang;Cui-li Li;Lei Fu;Xing-chen Zhao;Rui-zhao Li;Zhi-lian Li;Yuan-han Chen;Zhi-ming Ye;Shuang-xin Liu;Zheng Dong;Xin-ling Liang-The Second School of Clinical Medicine,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China;Division of Nephrology,Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital,Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences,Guangzhou 510080,China;School of Medicine,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510006,China;Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy,Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University,Augusta,GA,USA;Department of Medical Research,Charlie Norwood Veterans Affairs Medical Center,Augusta,GA,USA