Towards electrochemical hydrogen storage in liquid organic hydrogen carriers via proton-coupled electron transfers
Green hydrogen is identified as one of the prime clean energy carriers due to its high energy density and a zero emission of CO2.A possible solution for the transport of H2 in a safe and low-cost way is in the form of liquid organic hydrogen carriers(LOHCs).As an alternative to loading LOHC with H2 via a two-step pro-cedure involving preliminary electrolytic production of H2 and subsequent chemical hydrogenation of the LOHC,we explore here the possibility of electrochemical hydrogen storage(EHS)via conversion of proton of a proton donor into a hydrogen atom involved in covalent bonds with the LOHC(R)via a proton-coupled electron transfer(PCET)reaction:2nH++2ne-+Rox(←→)nH02Rred.We chose 9-fluorenone/fluorenol(Fnone/Fnol)conversion as such a model PCET reaction.The electrochemical activation of Fnone via two sequential electron transfers was monitored with in-situ and operando spectroscopies in absence and in presence of different alcohols as proton donors of different reactivity,which enabled us to both quantify and get the mechanistic insight on PCET.The possibility of hydrogen extraction from the loaded carrier molecule was illustrated by chemical activation.
Hamid Ghorbani Shiraz;Mikhail Vagin;Tero-Petri Ruoko;Viktor Gueskine;Krzysztof Karoń;Mieczys?aw ?apkowski;Tobias Abrahamsson;Thomas Ederth;Magnus Berggren;Xavier Crispin
Laboratory of Organic Electronics,Department of Science and Technology(ITN),Link?ping University,SE-601 74 Norrk?ping,Sweden;Smart Photonic Materials,Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences,Tampere University,P.O.Box 541,Tampere FI-33101,Finland;Silesian University of Technology,Faculty of Chemistry,Department of Physical Chemistry and Technology of Polymers,M.Strzody 9,44-100 Gliwice,Poland;Department of Physics,Chemistry and Biology(IFM),Link?ping University,SE-581 83 Link?ping,Sweden
[1]Hamid Ghorbani Shiraz;Mikhail Vagin;Tero-Petri Ruoko;Viktor Gueskine;Krzysztof Karoń;Mieczys?aw ?apkowski;Tobias Abrahamsson;Thomas Ederth;Magnus Berggren;Xavier Crispin-.Towards electrochemical hydrogen storage in liquid organic hydrogen carriers via proton-coupled electron transfers)[J].能源化学,2022(10):292-300
Remarkable catalysis of spinel ferrite XFe2O4(X=Ni,Co,Mn,Cu,Zn)nanoparticles on the dehydrogenation properties of LiAlH4:An experimental and theoretical study
Sheng Wei;Jiaxi Liu;Yongpeng Xia;Huanzhi Zhang;Riguang Cheng;Lixian Sun;Fen Xu;Pengru Huang;Federico Rosei;Aleskey A.Pimerzin;Hans Jüergen Seifert;Hongge Pan-School of Material Science&Engineering,Guangxi Key Laboratory of Information Materials and Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center of Structure and Property for New Energy and Materials,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004,China;School of Mechanical&Electrical Engineering,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004,China;Centre énergie,Matériaux et Télécommunications,Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique,1650 Boul,Lionel Boulet,Varennes,J3×1S2,Quebec,Canada;Samara State Technical University,Samara,443100,Russia;Institute for Applied Materials,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,Hermann von Helmholtz Platz 1,76344 Eggenstein Leopoldshafen,Germany;School of New Energy Science and Technology,Xi'an Technological University,Xi'an 710021,China