Stable striped state in a rotating two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled spin-1/2 Bose-Einstein condensate
We consider an effective two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with some spin-orbit coupling(SOC)and a rotation term in an external harmonic potential.We find the striped state,and analyze the effects of SOC,the external potential,and the rotation frequency/direction on the profile and the stability of the striped state.Without the rotation term,the two spinor components exhibit striped pattern,and the numbers of stripes in the two components are always an odd-even or an even-odd.With the increase of the SOC strength,the number of stripes in both components increases,while the difference of the striped numbers is always one.After adding the rotation term,the profiles of the spinor components change qualitatively,and the change regulation of the striped numbers differs,while the difference of the striped numbers is still one.In addition,we find that the rotation direction only makes the striped state of the two spinor components exchange each other,though the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation directions are inequivalent with the presence of SOC.Such regulation is different from the previous study.And the rotation frequency gives rise to the transition from the striped state to a mixture of the striped state and vortex state.Furthermore,we prove the stability of these states by the evolution and linear stability analysis.
Xuan Xu;Chao Gao;Ji Lin;Hui-jun Li
Institute of Nonlinear Physics and Department of Physics,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China
[1]Xuan Xu;Chao Gao;Ji Lin;Hui-jun Li-.Stable striped state in a rotating two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled spin-1/2 Bose-Einstein condensate)[J].理论物理,2022(07):114-122
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