Probing two Higgs oscillations in a one-dimensional Fermi superfluid with Raman-type spin-orbit coupling
We theoretically investigate the Higgs oscillation in a one-dimensional Raman-type spin-orbit-coupled Fermi superfluid with the time-dependent Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations.By linearly ramping or abruptly changing the effective Zeeman field in both the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer state and the topological superfluid state,we find the amplitude of the order parameter exhibits an oscillating behaviour over time with two different frequencies(i.e.,two Higgs oscillations)in contrast to the single one in a conventional Fermi superfluid.The observed period of oscillations has a great agreement with the one calculated using the previous prediction[Volkov and Kogan,J.Exp.Theor.Phys.38,1018(1974)],where the oscillating periods are now determined by the minimums of two quasi-particle spectrum in this system.We further verify the existence of two Higgs oscillations using a periodic ramp strategy with theoretically calculated driving frequency.Our predictions would be useful for further theoretical and experimental studies of these Higgs oscillations in spin-orbit-coupled systems.
Genwang Fan;Xiao-Long Chen;Peng Zou
College of Physics,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China;Department of Physics,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China;Institute for Advanced Study,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
[1]Genwang Fan;Xiao-Long Chen;Peng Zou-.Probing two Higgs oscillations in a one-dimensional Fermi superfluid with Raman-type spin-orbit coupling)[J].物理学前沿,2022(05):99-106
Electronic structure and spin-orbit coupling in ternary transition metal chalcogenides Cu2TlX2(X=Se,Te)
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