Manipulating Precipitation Through Thermomechanical Treatment to Control Corrosion Behavior of an Al-Cu-Mg Alloy
Controlling the precipitation through thermomechanical treatment is an important method to improve the corrosion resistance of Al-Cu-Mg alloys.In this study,the corrosion behaviors of Al-Cu-Mg alloys in the solution-treated state and retrogression-treated state under cold rolling deformation and then natural aging were investigated.In the solution-treated series alloys,the cold-rolled deformation improved the resistance to intergranular corrosion by suppressing the precipitation of the S-phase on the grain boundaries.The increased pitting potential and corrosion potential were related to the increased concentration of solute atoms within the grain interiors and the eliminated S-phase on grain boundaries.In the retrogression-treated series alloys,the 30%cold rolling deformation stimulated the growth of the S-phase and transformed the S-phase distribution from discontinuous to continuous on the grain boundaries,thereby changing the pitting corrosion to the network corrosion morphology.The precipitation of the S-phase with large dimension within the grain interiors contributed to the decreased pitting potential and corrosion potential.
Xiu-Rong Zhu;Jun Wang;Wei-Ning Shi;Xue-Bing Liu;Xin-Fang Zhang;Hai-Fei Zhou
Ningbo Branch,Ordnance Science Institute of China,Ningbo 315103,China;School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,Metallurgical University of Science and Technology of Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation Research Institute,Hangzhou 310000,China
[1]Xiu-Rong Zhu;Jun Wang;Wei-Ning Shi;Xue-Bing Liu;Xin-Fang Zhang;Hai-Fei Zhou-.Manipulating Precipitation Through Thermomechanical Treatment to Control Corrosion Behavior of an Al-Cu-Mg Alloy)[J].金属学报(英文版),2022(09):1547-1558
Influence of Zr and Mn additions on microstructure and properties of Mg–2.5wt%Cu–Xwt%Zn (X = 2.5, 5 and 6.5) alloys
A.V.Koltygin;V.E.Bazhenov;I.V.Plisetskaya;V.A.Bautin;A.I.Bazlov;N.Y.Tabachkova;O.O.Voropaeva;A.A.Komissarov;V.D.Belov-Foundry Department,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Department of Metallurgy Steel,New Production Technologies and Protection of Metals,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow119049,Russia;Laboratory of Advanced Green Materials,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Department of Materials Science of Semiconductors and Dielectrics,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Fianit Laboratory(Laser Materials and Technology Research Center at GPI),Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS,Moscow 119991,Russia;Laboratory of Hybrid Nanostructured Materials,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Laboratory of Medical Bioresorption and Bioresistance,Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry,Moscow 127473,Russia
Tailoring precipitation/properties and related mechanisms for a high-strength aluminum alloy plate via low-temperature retrogression and re-aging processes
L.G.Hou;H.Yu;Y.W.Wang;L.You;Z.B.He;C.M.Wu;D.G.Eskin;L.Katgerman;L.Z.Zhuang;J.S.Zhang-State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals&Materials,University of Science&Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;BCAST,Brunel University London,Kingston Lane,Uxbidge Middlesex UB8 3PH,United Kingdom;Nanjing Advanced Transportation Equipment New Technology Research Institute,Nanjing 211800,China;Institute of mineral resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China;Tomsk State University,Tomsk,634050,Russian Federation;Katgerman Aluminium Technology,van Beuningenlaan 10,2334CC Leiden,NetherlandsDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering,Delft University of Technology,Mekelweg 2,2628CD Delft,the Netherlands