Generation of Lommel beams through highly scattering media
Lommel beams have been potential candidates for optical communication and optical manipulation, due to their adjustable symmetry of transverse intensity distribution and continuously variable orbital angular momentum. However, the wavefront of the Lommel beam is scrambled when it transmits through highly scattering media. Here, we explore the construction of Lommel beams through highly scattering media with a transmission matrix-based point spread function engineering method. Experimentally, various Lommel beams with different parameters were generated through a ZnO scattering layer by use of a digital micromirror device. The construction of Lommel beams under high scattering is expected to benefit the optical applications behind highly scattering media.
Shijie Tu;Qiannan Lei;Yangjian Cai;Qian Zhao
Shandong Provincial Engineering and Technical Center of Light Manipulations & Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optics and Photonic Device, School of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358, China;School of Physical Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China
[1]Shijie Tu;Qiannan Lei;Yangjian Cai;Qian Zhao-.Generation of Lommel beams through highly scattering media)[J].中国光学快报(英文版),2022(09):092501
A versatile interferometric technique for probing the thermophysical properties of complex fluids
Gopal Verma;Gyanendra Yadav;Chaudry Sajed Saraj;Longnan Li;Nenad Miljkovic;Jean Pierre Delville;Wei Li-GPL Photonics Lab,State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics,Changchun Institute of Optics,Fine Mechanics and Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,130033 Changchun,China;School of Physical Sciences,University of Liverpool,Liverpool L69 3BX,UK;Materials Research Laboratory,University of Illinois,Urbana,IL,USA;Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering,University of Illinois,Urbana,IL,USA;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Illinois,Urbana,IL,USA;International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research(WPI-12CNER),Kyushu University,744 Motooka,Nishi-ku,Fukuoka 819-0395,Japan;University of Bordeaux,CNRS,LOMA,UMR 5798,F-33405 Talence,France
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Rusnè lva?kevi?iūtè-Povilauskienè;Paulius Kizevi?ius;Ernestas Nacius;Domas Jokubauskis;K?stutis lkamas;Alvydas Lisauskas;Natalia Alexeeva;leva Matulaitienè;Vytautas Jukna;Sergej Orlov;Linas Minkevi?ius;Gintaras Valu?is-Department of Optoelectronics,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Sauletekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Department of Fundamental Research,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Institute of Applied Electrodynamics&Telecommunications,Vilnius University,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;CENTERA Labs.,Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS,ul.Sokolowska 29/37,Warsaw 01-142,Poland;Department of Organic Chemistry,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology,Department of Physics,Vilnius University,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania
Achromatic metasurfaces by dispersion customization for ultra-broadband acoustic beam engineering
Hao-Wen Dong;Chen Shen;Sheng-Dong Zhao;Weibao Qiu;Hairong Zheng;Chuanzeng Zhang;Steven A.Cummer;Yue-Sheng Wang;Daining Fang;Li Cheng-Institute of Advanced Structure Technology,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;Department of Mechanical Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong,China;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Duke University,Durham,NC 27708,USA;Department of Mechanical Engineering,Rowan University,Glassboro,NJ 08028,USA;School of Mathematics and Statistics,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China;Paul C.Lauterbur Research Center for Biomedical Imaging,Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering,Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenzhen 518055,China;Department of Civil Engineering,University of Siegen,D-57068 Siegen,Germany;Department of Mechanics,School of Mechanical Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300350,China