Special issue on"Membranes and Water Treatment"
Water scarcity is becoming the greatest global crisis of our time.The increasing demand for clean and safe water calls for intensive research on advanced water treatment technologies.Recent decades have wit-nessed the rapid development of membrane technology,which are competitive for water and wastewater treat-ment,and encouragingly,some of them have been commercialized nowadays.The advances in material science have substantially promoted the further development of membranes technology in the aspects of membrane materials,membrane microstructure and fabrication process.Great efforts are thus being devoted to exploring the potential of new materials and processes for advanced membranes,as well as their integration with other processes,aiming at overcoming the longstanding challenges in membrane separation,removing emerging pollutants,and achieving high-value utilization of wastewater.
Congjie Gao;Nanping Xu;Weihong Xing
Center for Membrane and Water Science&Technology,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China;State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China;National Engineering Research Center for Special Separation Membranes,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China
[1]Congjie Gao;Nanping Xu;Weihong Xing-.Special issue on"Membranes and Water Treatment")[J].化学科学与工程前沿,2022(05):561-563
Recent development in upconversion nanoparticles and their application in optogenetics:A review
Madhumita Patel;Maninder Meenu;Jitender Kumar Pandey;Pawan Kumar;Rajkumar Patel-Department of Chemistry and Nano Science,Ewha Womans University,Seodaemun-gu,Seoul,120-750,South Korea;College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;School of Basic and Applied Sciences,Adamas University,Kolkata,700126,India;Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Centre Energie Materiaux Télecommunications(INRS-EMT),Varennes,QC,Canada;Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,University of Oklahoma,101 Stephenson Parkway,Norman,OK,73019,United States;Energy&Environmental Science and Engineering(EESE),Integrated Science and Engineering Division(ISED),Underwood International College,Yonsei University,85 Songdogwahak-ro,Yeonsu-gu,Incheon,21983,South Korea
Fundamentals and comprehensive insights on pulsed laser synthesis of advanced materials for diverse photo-and electrocatalytic applications
Jayaraman Theerthagiri;K.Karuppasamy;Seung Jun Lee;R.Shwetharani;Hyun-Seok Kim;S.K.Khadheer Pasha;Muthupandian Ashokkumar;Myong Yong Choi-Core-Facility Center for Photochemistry&Nanomaterials,Department of Chemistry,Research Institute of Natural Sciences,Gyeongsang National University,Jinju 52828,Republic of Korea;Division of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,Dongguk University-Seoul,Seoul 04620,Republic of Korea;Centre for Nano and Material Sciences,Jain University,Jain Global Campus,Kanakapura,Bangalore 562112 Karnataka,India;Department of Physics,Vellore Institute of Technology(Amaravati Campus),Amaravati,522501 Guntur,Andhra Pradesh,India;School of Chemistry,University of Melbourne,Parkville Campus,Melbourne,VIC 3010,Australia
Fundamentals and comprehensive insights on pulsed laser synthesis of advanced materials for diverse photo-and electrocatalytic applications
Jayaraman Theerthagiri;K Karuppasamy;Seung Jun Lee;R.Shwetharani;Hyun-Seok Kim;S.K Khadheer Pasha;Muthupandian Ashokkumar;Myong Yong Choi-Core-Facility Center for Photochemistry&Nanomaterials,Department of Chemistry,Research Institute of Natural Sciences,Gyeongsang National University,Jinju 52828,Republic of Korea;Division of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,Dongguk University-Seoul,Seoul 04620,Republic of Korea;Centre for Nano and Material Sciences,Jain University,Jain Global Campus,Kanakapura,Bangalore 562112 Karnataka,India;Department of Physics,Vellore Institute of Technology(Amaravati Campus),Amaravati,522501 Guntur,Andhra Pradesh,India;School of Chemistry,University of Melbourne,Parkville Campus,Melbourne,VIC 3010,Australia