Recent advances in the stereolithographic three-dimensional printing of ceramic cores:Challenges and prospects
The increasing demand for geometrically complex structures-specifically,higher-inlet-temperature tur-bine blades for the fifth-generation or other high-generation machines of advanced fighter aircrafts-has made the development of more complex double-walled three-layer hollow-cavity structures a necessity.However,this requires the preparation of complex ceramic cores and advanced,integrated technologies.Stereolithographic three-dimensional printing(SLA-3DP)technology,with digital control upon material morphology,composition,and structure,is a high integration and versatile technique that is superior to the traditional manufacturing techniques for ceramic cores,including gel casting,injection molding,and hot pressing.The latent capacity of this technique is contingent on the progress of processing routes that significantly reduce the distortion and defect formation in response to the elimination of the reacted organic monomer phase during photo-curing.Despite the tremendous progress in the field,multiple chal-lenges remain,such as the preparation of high-solid-content and low-viscosity suspensions,SLA-3DP of large double-walled ceramic cores with complex structures,and process optimization and sinter strength-ening for the fabrication of ceramic cores.These challenges have prevented the broader applications and reduced the impact of the SLA-3DP technology.This review discusses cutting-edge research on the crucial factors governing this production method.Specifically,we outline the existing challenges within the field and provide our perspective on the upcoming research work and progress.
Jinguo Li;Xiaolong An;Jingjing Liang;Yizhou Zhou;Xiaofeng Sun
Shi-changxu Innovation Center for Advanced Materials,Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology of China,Shenyang 110016,China;Space Manufacturing Technology(Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory),Beijing 100094,China
[1]Jinguo Li;Xiaolong An;Jingjing Liang;Yizhou Zhou;Xiaofeng Sun-.Recent advances in the stereolithographic three-dimensional printing of ceramic cores:Challenges and prospects)[J].材料科学技术(英文版),2022(22):79-98
Progress in ceramic materials and structure design toward advanced thermal barrier coatings
Zhi-Yuan WEI;Guo-Hui MENG;Lin CHEN;Guang-Rong LI;Mei-Jun LIU;Wei-Xu ZHANG;Li-Na ZHAO;Qiang ZHANG;Xiao-Dong ZHANG;Chun-Lei WAN;Zhi-Xue QU;Jing FENG;Ling LIU;Hui DONG;Ze-Bin BAO;Xiao-Feng ZHAO;Xiao-Feng ZHANG;Lei GUO;Liang WANG;Bo CHENG;Wei-Wei ZHANG;Peng-Yun XU;Guan-Jun YANG;Hong-Neng CAI;Hong CUI;You WANG;Fu-Xing YE;Zhuang MA;Wei PAN;Min LIU;Ke-Song ZHOU;Chang-Jiu LI-State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials,School of Materials Science and Engineering,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China;State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures,Department of Engineering Mechanics,School of Aerospace Engineering,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China;Xi'an Aerospace Composite Research Institute,Xi'an 710025,China;AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials,Beijing 100095,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics&Fine Processing,School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing,Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials,Education Ministry of China,Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China;Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;Xi'an Key Laboratory of High Performance Oil and Gas Field Materials,School of Materials Science and Engineering,Xi'an Shiyou University,Xi'an 710065,China;Shi-Changxu Innovation Center for Advanced Materials,Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced High-temperature Materials and Precision Forming,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Materials Surface Engineering Technology,the Key Lab of Guangdong for Modern Surface Engineering Technology,Institute of New Materials,Guangdong Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510650,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;Integrated Computational Materials Research Centre,Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201899,China;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Non-ferrous Metal,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064,China;Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China
Structural and chemical evolution in layered oxide cathodes of lithium-ion batteries revealed by synchrotron techniques
Guannan Qian;Junyang Wang;Hong Li;Zi-Feng Ma;Piero Pianetta;Linsen Li;Xiqian Yu;Yijin Liu-Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource,SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory,Menlo Park,CA 94025,USA;Department of Chemical Engineering,Shanghai Electrochemical Energy Device Research Center(SEED),School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Frontiers Science Center for Transformative Molecules,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering,Key Laboratory for Renewable Energy,Beijing Key Laboratory for New Energy Materials and Devices,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;Shanghai Jiao Tong University Sichuan Research Institute,Chengdu 610213,China