Investigation of nanofluid flow in a vertical channel considering polynomial boundary conditions by Akbari-Ganji's method
In this research, a vertical channel containing a laminar and fully developed nanofluid flow is inves- tigated. The channel surface's boundary conditions for temperature and volume fraction functions are considered qth-order polynomials. The equations related to this problem have been extracted and then solved by the AGM and validated through the Runge-Kutta numerical method and another similar study. In the study, the effect of parameters, including Grashof number, Brownian motion parameter, etc., on the motion, velocity, temperature, and volume fraction of nanofluids have been analyzed. The results demonstrate that increasing the Gr number by 100% will increase the velocity profile function by 78% and decrease the temperature and fraction profiles by 20.87% and 120.75%. Moreover, rising the Brown- ian motion parameter in five different sizes (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5) causes lesser velocity, about 24.3% at first and 4.35% at the last level, and a maximum 52.86% increase for temperature and a 24.32% rise for ? occurs when N b rises from 0.1 to 0.2. For all N t values, at least 55.44%, 18.69%, for F ( η ), and ?( η ), and 20.23% rise for ? ( η ) function is observed. Furthermore, enlarging the N r parameter from 0.25 to 0.1 leads F ( η ) to rise by 199.7%, fluid dimensionless temperature, and dimensional volume fraction to decrease by 18% and 92.3%. In the end, a greater value of q means a more powerful energy source, amplifying all velocity, temperature, and volume fraction functions. The main novelty of this research is the combined convection qth-order polynomials boundary condition applied to the channel walls. Moreover, The AMG semi-analytical method is used as a novel method to solve the governing equations.
M.Fallah Najafabadi;H.TalebiRostami;Kh.Hosseinzadeh;D.D.Ganji
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Babol Noshirvani University of Technology,Babol,Iran;Department of Mechanical Engineering,Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran,Iran
[1]M.Fallah Najafabadi;H.TalebiRostami;Kh.Hosseinzadeh;D.D.Ganji-.Investigation of nanofluid flow in a vertical channel considering polynomial boundary conditions by Akbari-Ganji's method)[J].力学快报(英文),2022(04):257-266
Static and dynamic stability responses of multilayer functionally graded carbon nanotubes reinforced composite nanoplates via quasi 3D nonlocal strain gradient theory
Ahmed Amine Daikh;Mohamed Sid Ahmed Houari;Mohamed Ouejdi Belarbi;Salwa A.Mohamed;Mohamed A.Eltaher-Laboratoire D'Etude des Structures et de Mécanique des Matériaux,Département de Génie Civil,Faculté des Sciences et de La Technologie,Université Mustapha Stambouli B.P.305,R.P.,29000,Mascara,Algeria;Laboratoire de Génie Energétique et Matériaux,LGEM,Université de Biskra,B.P.145,R.P,07000,Biskra,Algeria;Department of Engineering Mathematics,Zagazig University,P.O.Box 44519,Zagazig,Egypt;Faculty of Engineering,Mechanical Engineering Department,King Abdulaziz University,P.O.Box 80204,Jeddah,Saudi Arabia;Faculty of Engineering,Mechanical Design and Production Department,Zagazig University,P.O.Box 44519,Zagazig,Egypt