Conifer establishment after the eruption of the Paricutin volcano in central Mexico
Background:Volcanic eruptions have large effects on forest ecosystems and create new substrates,triggering primary succession processes.The Paricutín volcano,born in central-western Mexico,erupted between 1943 and 1952.After the cessation of the eruptive activity,plant colonization began on the lava flows and tephra deposits,including the conifer species that dominate the surrounding mature forests.This study aims to reconstruct the history of the establishment of conifer trees on the substrates created by the Paricutín eruption.Methods:16 sampling plots were established along three transects with northern,southern,and south-western aspects,located every 250 m from the preserved forest to the volcanic cone.Increment cores from 400 conifer trees were extracted and their age was determined by cross-dating annual tree rings.The order of the species colonization and the tree establishment,abundance,and dominance patterns were characterized.Also,the in-fluence of the distance from the mature forests and the inter-annual climatic conditions on the temporal tree establishment pattern was evaluated.Results:Eight pine and one fir species have been established since 1970,only 18 years after the end of the eruptive period.However,tree establishment increased by 12.9% annually after 1995,with the youngest tree in our sample getting established in 2015.We did not find a well-defined temporal and spatial pattern of species arrival,which suggests that colonization occurred randomly,although the four pine species that were established early became the most abundant and dominant.Tree establishment was not influenced by the distance from the mature forest,and wet inter-annual conditions did not enhance pulses of tree recruitment,exhibiting a continuous tree establishment pattern.Conclusions:Conifer species have shown a great capacity for colonizing volcanic substrates created by the Par-icutín eruption,which suggests that tropical montane conifers can regenerate rapidly under high-magnitude disturbances.These findings support the use of these forest species for ecological restoration.
Jesús Eduardo Sáenz-Ceja;Blanca Lizeth Sáenz-Ceja;J.Trinidad Sáenz-Reyes;Diego Rafael Pérez-Salicrup
Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad,Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro 8701 Col.Ex hacienda San José de la Huerta,58190,Morelia,Mexico;Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad Morelia,Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro 8701 Col.Ex hacienda San José de la Huerta,58190,Morelia,Mexico;Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales,Agrícolas y Pecuarias,Campo Experimental Uruapan,Av.Latinoamericana 1101,Col.Revolución,60500,Uruapan,Mexico
[1]Jesús Eduardo Sáenz-Ceja;Blanca Lizeth Sáenz-Ceja;J.Trinidad Sáenz-Reyes;Diego Rafael Pérez-Salicrup-.Conifer establishment after the eruption of the Paricutin volcano in central Mexico)[J].森林生态系统(英文版),2022(01):71-82
Dieback intensity but not functional and taxonomic diversity indices predict forest productivity in different management conditions: Evidence from a semi-arid oak forest ecosystem
Mona KARAMI;Mehdi HEYDARI;Ali SHEYKHOLESLAMI;Majid ESHAGH NIMVARI;Reza OMIDIPOUR;YUAN Zuoqiang;Bernard PREVOSTO-Faculty of Natural Resources,Chalus Branch,Islamic Azad University,Chalus 46615/397,Iran;Department of Forestry,Chalous Branch,Islamic Azad University,Chalous 46615/397,Iran;Department of Rangeland and Watershed Management,Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences,Shahrekord University,Shahrekord 8818634141,Iran;Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Management,Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110164,China;INRAE,Aix Marseille University,UMR RECOVER,Mediterranean Ecosystems and Risks,Aix-en-Provence 13128,France
Forest plant and macrofungal differences in the Greater and Lesser Khingan Mountains in Northeast China: A regional?historical comparison and its implications
Yuanyuan Wang;Hui Wen;Kai Wang;Jingxue Sun;Jinghua Yu;Qinggui Wang;Wenjie Wang-Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130102, People's Republic of China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,People's Republic of China;Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology(MOE),College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040, People's Republic of China;Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,People's Republic of China;Department of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080, People's Republic of China
Year-round multi-scale habitat selection by Crested Tit(Lophophanes cristatus)in lowland mixed forests(northern Italy)
Alessandro Berlusconi;Alessio Martinoli;Lucas A.Wauters;Giulia Tesoro;Stefania Martini;Erminio Clerici;Gualtiero Guenzani;Gabriele Pozzi;Diego Rubolini;Michelangelo Morganti;Adriano Martinoli-Environment Analysis and Management Unit-Guido Tosi Research Group-Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences,Università degli Studi dell'Insubria,Via J.H.Dunant 3,21100,Varese,Italy;CNR-IRSA National Research Council-Water Research Institute,Via del Mulino 19,20861,Brugherio,MB,Italy;Gruppo Insubrico di Ornitologia,c/o Civico Museo Insubrico di Storia Naturale di Clivio e Induno Olona,Via Manzoni,21050,Clivio,VA,Italy;Parco Pineta di Appiano Gentile e Tradate,Via Alessandro Manzoni,11,22070,Castelnuovo Bozzente,CO,Italy;Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi,Università degli Studi di Torino,Via Accademia Albertina 13,10123,Turin,Italy;Conservation Department LIPU-Birdlife Italia,Via Udine 3/a,43122,Parma,Italy;Department of Environmental Science and Policy,Università degli Studi di Milano,Via Celoria 26,20122,Milan,Italy
Long-term reconstruction of flash floods in the Qilian Mountains,China,based on dendrogeomorphic methods
QIE Jia-zhi;ZHANG Yong;TRAPPMANN Daniel;ZHONG Yi-hua;BALLESTEROS-CáNOVAS Juan Antonio;FAVILLIER Adrien;STOFFEL Markus-Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Climate Change Impacts and Risks in the Anthropocene(C-CIA),Institute for Environmental Sciences,University of Geneva,Geneva CH-1205,Switzerland;Dendrolab.ch,Department of Earth Sciences,University of Geneva,Geneva CH-1205,Switzerland;National Museum of Natural Sciences,MNCN-CSIC,C/Serrano 115bis,28006,Madrid,Spain;Department F.-A.Forel for Environmental and Aquatic Sciences,University of Geneva,Geneva CH-1205,Switzerland
Tropical tree community composition and diversity variation along a volcanic elevation gradient
Rubén MARTíNEZ-CAMILO;Manuel MARTíNEZ-MELéNDEZ;Nayely MARTíNEZ-MELéNDEZ;Derio Antonio JIMéNEZ-LóPEZ;Mauricio JOSé-RíOS-Unidad Villa Corzo,Facultad de Ingeniería,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,30520 Villa Corzo,Chiapas,Mexico;Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,29039 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico;Eizia A.C.,29045 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico;Departamento de Conservación de la Biodiversidad,El Colegio de la Frontera Sur,29290 San Cristóbal de las Casas,Chiapas,Mexico;Orquidiario y Jardín Botánico de Comitán,Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Natural,30106 Comitán de Domínguez,Chiapas,Mexico;Instituto de Investigación en Gestión de Riesgos y Cambio Climático,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,29039 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico
Global wood anatomical perspective on the onset of the Late Antique Little Ice Age(LALIA)in the mid-6th century CE
Ulf Büntgen;Alan Crivellaro;Dominique Arseneault;Mike Baillie;David Barclay;Mauro Bernabei;Jarno Bontadi;Gretel Boswijk;David Brown;Duncan A.Christie;Olga V.Churakova;Edward R.Cook;Rosanne D'Arrigo;Nicole Davi;Jan Esper;Patrick Fonti;Ciara Greaves;Rashit M.Hantemirov;Malcolm K.Hughes;Alexander V.Kirdyanov;Paul J.Krusic;Carlos Le Quesne;Fredrik C.Ljungqvist;Michael McCormick;Vladimir S.Myglan;Kurt Nicolussi;Clive Oppenheimer;Jonathan Palmer;Chun Qin;Frederick Reinig;Matthew Salzer;Markus Stoffel;Max Torbenson;Mirek Trnka;Ricardo Villalba;Nick Wiesenberg;Greg Wiles;Bao Yang;Alma Piermattei-Department of Geography,University of Cambridge,Cambridge CB2 3EN,UK;Swiss Federal Research Institute(WSL),Birmensdorf 8903,Switzerland;Global Change Research Centre(CzechGlobe),Brno 60300,Czech Republic;Department of Geography,Faculty of Science,Masaryk University,Brno 61300,Czech Republic;Forest Biometrics Laboratory,Faculty of Forestry,"Stefan cel Mare"University ofSuceava,Suceava 720229,Romania;Department of Biology,Chemistry and Geography,University of Quebec in Rimouski,Rimouski Qc.G5L 3A1,Canada;Archaeology&Palaeoecology,School of Natural and Built Environment,Queen's University Belfast,Belfast BT7 1NN,UK;Department of Geology,State University of New York at Cortland,Cortland NY 13045,USA;CNR-IBE,Institute of BioEconomy,National Research Council,Trento 38121,Italy;School of Environment,The University of Auckland,Auckland 1010,New Zealand;Laboratorio de Dendrocronología y Cambio Global,Universidad Austral de Chile,Valdivia 509000,Chile;Centerfor Climate and Resilience Research(CR),Santiago 8370449,Chile;Cape Horn International Center(CHIC),Punta Arenas 6200000,Chile;Institute of Ecology and Geography,Siberian Federal University,Krasnoyarsk 660041,Russia;Tree-Ring Laboratory,Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University,Palisades NY 10964,USA;Department of Environmental Science,William Paterson University,Wayne NJ 07470,USA;Department of Geography,Johannes Gutenberg University,Mainz 55099,Germany;Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology,Ural Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences,Yekaterinburg 620144,Russia;Ural Institute of Humanities,Ural Federal University,Yekaterinburg 620002,Russia;Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research,University of Arizona,Tucson AZ 85721,USA;Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS,Krasnoyarsk 660036,Russia;Department of Physical Geography,Bolin Centre for Climate Research,Stockholm University,Stockholm 10691,Sweden;Department of History,Stockholm University,Stockholm 10691,Sweden;Bolin Centre for Climate Research,Stockholm University,Stockholm 10691,Sweden;Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study,Uppsala 75238,Sweden;Initiative for the Science of the Human Past,Department of History-Max Planck Harvard Research Center for the Archaeoscience of the Ancient Mediterranean,Harvard University,Cambridge MA 02138,USA;Institute of Humanities,Siberian Federal University,Krasnoyarsk 660041,Russia;Department of Geography,University of Innsbruck,Innsbruck 6020,Austria;The University of New South Wales,Sydney NSW 2052,Australia;Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,China;Change Impacts and Risks in the Anthropocene(C-CIA),Institute for Environmental Sciences,University of Geneva,Geneva 1205,Switzerland;Department of Earth Sciences,University of Geneva,Geneva 1205,Switzerland;Department F.-A.Forel for Environmental and Aquatic Sciences,University of Geneva,Geneva 1205,Switzerland;National Scientific and Technical Research Council,Institute Argentina de Nivología,Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales,Mendoza CP 5500,Argentina;Department of Earth Sciences,the College of Wooster,Wooster OH 44691,USA;Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China