Year-round multi-scale habitat selection by Crested Tit(Lophophanes cristatus)in lowland mixed forests(northern Italy)
Determining how animals respond to resource availability across spatial and temporal extents is crucial to un-derstand ecological processes underpinning habitat selection.Here,we used a multi-scale approach to study the year-round habitat selection of the Crested Tit(Lophophanes cristatus)in a semi-natural lowland woodland of northern Italy,analysing different habitat features at each scale.We performed Crested Tit censuses at three different spatial scales.At the macrohabitat scale,we used geolocalized observations of individuals to compute Manly's habitat selection index,based on a detailed land-use map of the study area.At the microhabitat scale,the trees features were compared between presence and absence locations.At the foraging habitat scale,individual foraging birds and their specific position on trees were recorded using focal animal sampling.Censuses were performed during both the breeding(March to May)and wintering(December to January)seasons.At the macrohabitat scale,the Crested Tits significantly selected pure and mixed pine forests and avoided woods of alien plant species,farmlands and urban areas.At the microhabitat scale,old pine woods with dense cover were selected,with no significant difference in the features of tree selection between the two phenological phases.At the foraging habitat scale,the species was observed spending more time foraging in the canopies than in the understorey,using mostly the portion of Scots Pine(Pinus sylvestris)canopies closer to the trunk in winter,while during the breeding period,the whole canopy was visited.Overall,breeding and wintering habitats largely overlapped in the Crested Tit.Based on our findings,lowland Crested Tits can be well defined as true habitat specialists:they are strictly related to some specific coniferous woodland features.Noteworthily,compared to other tit species,which normally show generalist habits during winter,the Crested Tit behaves as a habitat specialist also out of the breeding season.Our study stressed the importance of considering multi-scale(both spatial and phenological)habitat selection in birds.
Alessandro Berlusconi;Alessio Martinoli;Lucas A.Wauters;Giulia Tesoro;Stefania Martini;Erminio Clerici;Gualtiero Guenzani;Gabriele Pozzi;Diego Rubolini;Michelangelo Morganti;Adriano Martinoli
Environment Analysis and Management Unit-Guido Tosi Research Group-Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences,Università degli Studi dell'Insubria,Via J.H.Dunant 3,21100,Varese,Italy;CNR-IRSA National Research Council-Water Research Institute,Via del Mulino 19,20861,Brugherio,MB,Italy;Gruppo Insubrico di Ornitologia,c/o Civico Museo Insubrico di Storia Naturale di Clivio e Induno Olona,Via Manzoni,21050,Clivio,VA,Italy;Parco Pineta di Appiano Gentile e Tradate,Via Alessandro Manzoni,11,22070,Castelnuovo Bozzente,CO,Italy;Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi,Università degli Studi di Torino,Via Accademia Albertina 13,10123,Turin,Italy;Conservation Department LIPU-Birdlife Italia,Via Udine 3/a,43122,Parma,Italy;Department of Environmental Science and Policy,Università degli Studi di Milano,Via Celoria 26,20122,Milan,Italy
[1]Alessandro Berlusconi;Alessio Martinoli;Lucas A.Wauters;Giulia Tesoro;Stefania Martini;Erminio Clerici;Gualtiero Guenzani;Gabriele Pozzi;Diego Rubolini;Michelangelo Morganti;Adriano Martinoli-.Year-round multi-scale habitat selection by Crested Tit(Lophophanes cristatus)in lowland mixed forests(northern Italy))[J].鸟类学研究(英文版),2022(04):461-467
Intraspecific variation in shoot flammability in Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium is not predicted by habitat environmental conditions
Xinglei Cui;Adrian M.Paterson;George LW.Perry;Sarah V.Wyse;Md Azharul Alam;Congde Huang;Shixing Zhou;Lin Xiao;Changhong Lai;Fang He;Dongyu Cao;Kate Marshall;Timothy J.Curran-Department of Pest-management and Conservation,Lincoln University,Lincoln,7647,New Zealand;National Forestry and Grassland Administration Engineering Research Centre for Southwest Forest and Grassland Fire Ecological Prevention,College of Forestry,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu,611130,China;School of Environment,University of Auckland,Auckland,1142,New Zealand;Bio-Protection Research Centre,Lincoln University,Lincoln,7647,New Zealand;Sichuan Province Forestry and Grassland Environmental Monitoring Centre,Chengdu,610036,China
Genome size evolution of the extant lycophytes and ferns
Fa-Guo Wang;Ai-Hua Wang;Cheng-Ke Bai;Dong-Mei Jin;Li-Yun Nie;AJ Harris;Le Che;Juan-Juan Wang;Shi-Yu Li;Lei Xu;Hui Shen;Yu-Feng Gu;Hui Shang;Lei Duan;Xian-Chun Zhang;Hong-Feng Chen;Yue-Hong Yan-Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Botany,South China Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou,510650,China;Key Laboratory of Environment Change and Resources Use in Beibu Gulf,Ministry of Education,Nanning Normal University,Nanning,530001,China;College of Life Sciences,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an,710062,China;Eastern China Conservation Centre for Wild Endangered Plant Resources,Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden,Shanghai,201602,China;Department of Biology,Oberlin College,Oberlin,OH,44074,USA;Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration for Orchid Conservation and Utilization,the National Orchid Conservation Center of China and the Orchid Conservation&Research Center of Shenzhen,518114,Shenzhen,China;Life Science and Technology College,Harbin Normal University,Harbin,150025,China;State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100093,China