Dynamics of Rossby solitary waves with time-dependent mean flow via Euler eigenvalue model
The investigation on the fluctuations of nonlinear Rossby waves is of great importance for the understanding of atmospheric or oceanic motions.The present paper mainly deals with the well-known atmospheric blocking phenomena through the nonlinear Rossby wave theories and the corresponding methods.Based on the equivalent barotropic potential vorticity model in the β-plane approximation underlying a weak time-dependent mean flow,the multiscale technique and perturbation approximated methods are adopted to derive a new forced Korteweg-de Vries model equation with varied coefficients(vfKdV)for the Rossby wave amplitude.For a further analytical treatment of the obtained model problem,a special kind of basic flow is adopted.The evolution processes of atmospheric blocking are well discussed according to the given parameters according to the dipole blocking theory.The effects of some physical factors,especially the mean flow,on the propagation of atmospheric blocking are analyzed.
Zhihui ZHANG;Liguo CHEN;Ruigang ZHANG;Liangui YANG;Quansheng LIU
School of Mathematical Sciences,Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot 010021,China;School of Statistics and Mathematics,Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics,Hohhot 010070,China
[1]Zhihui ZHANG;Liguo CHEN;Ruigang ZHANG;Liangui YANG;Quansheng LIU-.Dynamics of Rossby solitary waves with time-dependent mean flow via Euler eigenvalue model)[J].应用数学和力学(英文版),2022(10):1615-1630
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David A.Yuen;Melissa A.Scruggs;Frank J.Spera;Yingcai Zheng;Hao Hu;Stephen R.McNutt;Glenn Thompson;Kyle Mandli;Barry R.Keller;Songqiao Shawn Wei;Zhigang Peng;Zili Zhou;Francesco Mulargia;Yuichiro Tanioka-Columbia University,Dept.of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics,New York,NY,10027,USA;Ocean University of China,School of Computer Science and Marine Geosciences,Qingdao,266100,China;University of California,Santa Barbara,Dept.of Earth Science,1006 Webb Hall,University of California,Santa Barbara,CA,93106,USA;University of Houston,Dept of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,Science&Research Bldg.1,3507 Cullen Boulevard,#312,Houston,TX,77004,USA;University of South Florida,School of Geosciences,Tampa,FL,USA;Mission Beach,CA,USA;Michigan State University,Dept.of Earth and Environmental Sciences,288 Farm Ln Bldg,Room 207,East Lansing MI,48824,USA;Georgia Institute of Technology,School of Atmospheric and Earth Sciences,North Avenue,Atlanta,GA,30332,USA;University of Southern California,Sonny Astani Dept.of Civil&Environmental Engineering Kaprielian Hall,Los Angeles,CA,90089-2531,USA;University of Bologna,Dept.of Geological Sciences,Via Zamboni,33,40126,Bologna,Italy;Hokkaido University,Division of Earth System Science,N10W5,Sapporo,Hokkaido,060-0810,Japan
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Zhiyuan Liu;Dandan Zhao;Pei Wang;Ming Yan;Can Yang;Zhangwei Chen;Jian Lu;Zhaoping Lu-Additive Manufacturing Institute,College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China;Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Southern University of Science and Technology,Shenzhen 518055,China;Sino-German College of Intelligent Manufacturing,Shenzhen Technology University,Shenzhen 518118,China;CityU-Shenzhen Futian Research Institute,Shenzhen 518045,China;Hong Kong Branch of National Precious Metals Material Engineering Research Center(NPMM),City University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong,China;Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering,State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China