Ultrasound-Assisted Solidification of a Cu-Cr Alloy
Ultrasonic cavitation radiates huge power in a small solidifying bulk,leading to significant grain refinement,purification and homogenization of the final alloys.Ultrasound vibration has mostly been used for treating the solidification of light metals,but it is difficult to directly introduce ultrasonic vibration into copper alloy due to the lack of proper sonotrode.In this work,we have used a Sialon ceramic sonotrode to propagate acoustic waves in a Cu-Cr alloy melt.Significant grain refinement and modification of primary Cr have been obtained.With the ultrasound vibration treatment,the mechanical properties of the as-cast Cu-Cr alloy have been improved.The wear resistance of the Cu-Cr alloy has also shown enhancement with respect to the untreated alloy.
Siruo Zhang;Huijun Kang;Min Cheng;Zongning Chen;Zhicheng Wang;Enyu Guo;Jiehua Li;Tongmin Wang
Key Laboratory of Solidification Control and Digital Preparation Technology(Liaoning Province),School of Materials Science and Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China;Ningbo Institute of Dalian University of Technology,Ningbo 315000,China;Institute of Casting Research,Montanuniversit?t Leoben,8700 Leoben,Austria
[1]Siruo Zhang;Huijun Kang;Min Cheng;Zongning Chen;Zhicheng Wang;Enyu Guo;Jiehua Li;Tongmin Wang-.Ultrasound-Assisted Solidification of a Cu-Cr Alloy)[J].金属学报(英文版),2022(12):2082-2088
Influence of Zr and Mn additions on microstructure and properties of Mg–2.5wt%Cu–Xwt%Zn (X = 2.5, 5 and 6.5) alloys
A.V.Koltygin;V.E.Bazhenov;I.V.Plisetskaya;V.A.Bautin;A.I.Bazlov;N.Y.Tabachkova;O.O.Voropaeva;A.A.Komissarov;V.D.Belov-Foundry Department,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Department of Metallurgy Steel,New Production Technologies and Protection of Metals,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow119049,Russia;Laboratory of Advanced Green Materials,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Department of Materials Science of Semiconductors and Dielectrics,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Fianit Laboratory(Laser Materials and Technology Research Center at GPI),Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS,Moscow 119991,Russia;Laboratory of Hybrid Nanostructured Materials,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Laboratory of Medical Bioresorption and Bioresistance,Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry,Moscow 127473,Russia
Origin of non-uniform plasticity in a high-strength Al-Mn-Sc based alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion
Dina Bayoumy;Kwangsik Kwak;Torben Boll;Stefan Dietrich;Daniel Schliephake;Jie Huang;Junlan Yi;Kazuki Takashima;Xinhua Wu;Yuman Zhu;Aijun Huang-Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing,15-17 Normanby Rd,Notting Hill,VIC 3168,Australia;Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Monash University,Clayton,VIC 3800,Australia;Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Kumamoto University,2-39-1 Kurokami,Chuo-ku,Kumamoto 860-8555,Japan;Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility(KNMF),Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT),Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1,76344,Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,Germany;Institute for Applied Materials(IAM-WK),Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT),Engelbert-Arnold-Stra?e 4,76131 Karlsruhe,Germany;Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Institute,Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201324,China