Topologically protecting squeezed light on a photonic chip
Squeezed light is a critical resource in quantum sensing and information processing.Due to the inherently weak optical nonlinearity and limited interaction volume,considerable pump power is typically needed to obtain ef-ficient interactions to generate squeezed light in bulk crystals.Integrated photonics offers an elegant way to in-crease the nonlinearity by confining light strictly inside the waveguide.For the construction of large-scale quantum systems performing many-photon operations,it is essential to integrate various functional modules on a chip.However,fabrication imperfections and transmission cross talk may add unwanted diffraction and coupling to other photonic elements,reducing the quality of squeezing.Here,by introducing the topological phase,we experimentally demonstrate the topologically protected nonlinear process of four-wave mixing,ena-bling the generation of squeezed light on a silica chip.We measure the cross-correlations at different evolution distances for various topological sites and verify the nonclassical features with high fidelity.The squeezing param-eters are measured to certify the protection of cavity-free,strongly squeezed states.The demonstration of topo-logical protection for squeezed light on a chip brings new opportunities for quantum integrated photonics,opening novel approaches for the design of advanced multi-photon circuits.
Center for Integrated Quantum Information Technologies(IQIT),School of Physics and Astronomy and State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;CAS Center for Excellence and Synergetic Innovation Center in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China;School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences,University of Technology Sydney,Ultimo,New South Wales 2007,Australia;TuringQ Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200240,China
[1]RUO-JING REN;YONG-HENG LU;ZE-KUN JIANG;JUN GAO;WEN-HAO ZHOU;YAO WANG;ZHI-QIANG JIAO;XIAO-WEI WANG;ALEXANDER S.SOLNTSEV;XIAN-MIN JIN-.Topologically protecting squeezed light on a photonic chip)[J].光子学研究(英文),2022(02):456-464
Field distribution of the Z2 topological edge state revealed by cathodoluminescence nanoscopy
Xiao He;Donglin Liu;Hongfei Wang;Liheng Zheng;Bo Xu;Biye Xie;Meiling Jiang;Zhixin Liu;Jin Zhang;Minghui Lu;Zheyu Fang-School of Physics,State Key Lab for Mesoscopic Physics,Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies,Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter,and Nano-optoelectronics Frontier Center of Ministry of Education,Peking University Yangtze Delta Institute of Optoelectronics,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures,Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China;College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Department of Physics and HKU-UCAS Joint Institute for Theoretical and Computational Physics at Hong Kong,the University of Hong Kong,Pokfulam Road,Hong Kong,China
On-chip beam rotators,adiabatic mode converters,and waveplates through low-loss waveguides with variable cross-sections
Bangshan Sun;Fyodor Morozko;Patrick S.Salter;Simon Moser;Zhikai Pong;Raj B.Patel;Ian A.Walmsley;Mohan Wang;Adir Hazan;Nicolas Barré;Alexander Jesacher;Julian Fells;Chao He;Aviad Katiyi;Zhen-Nan Tian;Alina Karabchevsky;Martin J.Booth-Department of Engineering Science,University of Oxford,Oxford OX1 3PJ,UK;School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,P.O.B.653,Beer-Sheva 8410501,Israel;Institute of Biomedical Physics,Medical University of Innsbruck,Müllerstra?e 44,6020 Innsbruck,Austria;Ultrafast Quantum Optics group,Department of Physics,Imperial College London,London,UK;Department of Physics,University of Oxford,Oxford,UK;Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies(SAOT),Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg,Paul-Gordan-Stra?e 6,91052 Erlangen,Germany;State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics,College of Electronic Science and Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China
Spectral control of nonclassical light pulses using an integrated thin-film lithium niobate modulator
Di Zhu;Changchen Chen;Mengjie Yu;Linbo Shao;Yaowen Hu;C J.Xin;Matthew Yeh;Soumya Ghosh;Lingyan He;Christian Reimer;Neil Sinclair;Franco N.C.Wong;Mian Zhang;Marko Lon?ar-John A.Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Harvard University,Cambridge,MA 02138,USA;Institute of Materials Research and Engineering,Agency for Science,Technology and Research(A*STAR),Singapore 138634,Singapore;Research Laboratory of Electronics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,MA 02139,USA;HyperLight Corporation,1 Bow Street,Suite 420,Cambridge,MA 02139,USA;Division of Physics,Mathematics and Astronomy,and Alliance for Quantum Technologies(AQT),California Institute of Technology,Pasadena,CA 91125,USA
Soliton formation and spectral translation into visible on CMOS-compatible 4H-silicon-carbide-on-insulator platform
Chengli Wang;Jin Li;Ailun Yi;Zhiwei Fang;Liping Zhou;Zhe Wang;Rui Niu;Yang Chen;Jiaxiang Zhang;Ya Cheng;Junqiu Liu;Chun-Hua Dong;Xin Ou-State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics,Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,200050 Shanghai,China;The Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,100049 Beijing,China;CAS Key Laboratory of Quantum Information,University of Science and Technology of China,230026 Hefei,China;CAS Center for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics,University of Science and Technology of China,230026 Hefei,China;The Extreme Optoelectromechanics Laboratory(XXL),School of Physics and Electronic Science,East China Normal University,200241 Shanghai,China;State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics and CAS Center for Excellence in Ultra-intense Laser Science,Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,201800 Shanghai,China;International Quantum Academy,518048 Shenzhen,China;Hefei National Laboratory,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China