Towards an enhanced interpretation of δ18O changes during the past 300 kyr over Asia
For many decades,the impact of orbital forcing on monsoon systems has been in-tensively studied.Rapidly,attention has been drawn to the Mid-Holocene due to the'Green Sahara',which was de-picted,using many different proxies,as much more humid than the present-day desert.It also corresponds to enhanced Asian monsoons[1].Climate models have been used to simulate this period.At first,only atmospheric models[2]and EMICs(Earth models of interme-diate complexity)[3]were used.Great efforts were made for the model/data comparison.Then,associated with the development of AOGCMs(atmosphere ocean general circulation models)and more reliable data synthesis,large in-tercomparison projects took place.A very important step was the develop-ment of PMIP(Paleoclimate Model In-tercomparison Project)[4,5].The Mid-Holocene period was always considered as a reference,due to its strong response to seasonal orbital forcing.These inter-comparisons were extremely efficient and enabled analyses of the robust charac-teristics using models,but they also fa-vored the development of multi-proxy databases and strengthened model/data comparisons.
Gilles Ramstein
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de I'Environnement,LSCE/IPSL,CEA-CNRS-UVSQ,Université Paris-Saclay,France
[1]Gilles Ramstein-.Towards an enhanced interpretation of δ18O changes during the past 300 kyr over Asia)[J].国家科学评论(英文版),2022(11):58-59
Evaluation and comparison of CMIP6 models and MERRA-2 reanalysis AOD against Satellite observations from 2000 to 2014 over China
Arfan Ali;Muhammad Bilal;Yu Wang;Zhongfeng Qiu;Janet E.Nichol;Gerrit de Leeuw;Song Ke;Alaa Mhawish;Mansour Almazroui;Usman Mazhar;Birhanu Asmerom Habtemicheal;M.Nazrul Islam-Lab of Environmental Remote Sensing(LERS),School of Marine Sciences,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;Department of Geography,School of Global Studies,University of Sussex,Brighton BN19RH,UK;Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute(KNMI),R&D Satellite Observations,3730AE De Bilt,The Netherlands;School of Atmospheric Physics,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences(AirCAS),No.20 Datun Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100101,China;School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics,University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221116,China;Geological Survey of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210018,China;Center of Excellence for Climate Change Research/Department of Meteorology,King Abdulaziz University,Jeddah 21589,Saudi Arabia;Climatic Research Unit,School of Environmental Sciences,University of East Anglia,Norwich,UK;School of Remote Sensing and Geomatics Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;Department of Physics,Wollo University,Dessie P.O.Box 1145,Ethiopia
Linking moisture and near-surface wind with winter temperature to reveal the Holocene climate evolution in arid Xinjiang region of China
Fuyuan Gao;Junhuai Yang;Dunsheng Xia;Hao Lu;Shuyuan Wang;Kaiming Li;Zhenqian Wang;Zhipeng Wu;Jiaxin Zhou;Fuxi Shi-College of Urban Environment,Lanzhou City University,Lanzhou 730070,China;Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems(Ministry of Education),College of Earth and Environmental Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China;Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China;Georges Lemaitre Center for Earth and Climate Research,Earth and Life Institute,Uniersité Catholique de Louvain,Louvain-la-Neuve 1348,Belgium;Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Forest Ecosystem Protection and Restoration of Poyang Lake Watershed,College of Forestry,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China;Yulong Snow Mountain Cryosphere and Sustainable Development Field Science Observation and Research Station,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,China
Assessing the impact of conceptual mineral systems uncertainty on prospectivity predictions
Mark D Lindsay;Agnieszka M.Piechocka;Mark W Jessell;Richard Scalzo;Jeremie Giraud;Guillaume Pirot;Edward Cripps-Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,Mineral Resources Australian Resources Research Centre,WA 6151,Australia;Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centre,Centre for Exploration Targeting,School of Earth Sciences,The University of Western Australia,Perth,WA 6009,Australia;ARC Centre for Data Analytics for Resources and Environments(DARE),Perth and Sydney,Australia;University of Sydney,School of Mathematics and Statistics,Sydney,Australia;Université de Lorraine,GeoRessources,CNRS,54000 Nancy,France;The University of Western Australia,Department of Mathematics and Statistics,Perth,Australia