Assessment of groundwater potential using multi-criteria decision analysis and geoelectrical surveying
A precise map of the dispersion of the groundwater potential across each watershed can help decision-makers to exert optimal water management in each region. In this research, the potential of groundwater resources in both the Zanjanrood Catchment and the Tarom Region, located in the northwest of Iran, has been studied. Seven effective criteria including slope, land-use, drainage density, spring density, lithology, lineament density, and rainfall are considered. Criteria were first weighted using the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) method and then overlaid by the Technique for Order Preferences by Similarity to Ideal (TOPSIS) model. Finally, the spatial zoning map of groundwater potential was obtained in four categories. A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the influence of each criterion on the obtained map. The model was verified using both the spatial distribution of the high- discharged production wells and the geophysical-based geoelectric field surveys. The results indicate that the high-discharged wells (>40 l/s) in both regions are dispersed predominantly in the very good zone and, in several cases, in the good zone. Besides, the results from the two- dimensional models of resistivity and induced polarization of geoelectrical field survey are inappropriate agreement with those from the TOPSIS method. Notably, there is no suitable potential zone of groundwater in the surrounding highlands to be used in the future for drinking purposes since the highlands water supply is a strategic supply for drinking. The strategies employed in this study, the results of GIS modeling, and the geoelectrical analysis can be considered for sustainable development of similar arid and semi-arid areas since groundwater is considered as the main supplier of water in such regions.
Marzieh Shabani;Zohreh Masoumi;Abolfazl Rezaei
Department of Earth Sciences,Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences(IASBS),Zanjan,Iran;Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming(CRCC),Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences(IASBS),Zanjan,Iran
[1]Marzieh Shabani;Zohreh Masoumi;Abolfazl Rezaei-.Assessment of groundwater potential using multi-criteria decision analysis and geoelectrical surveying)[J].地球空间信息科学学报(英文版),2022(04):600-618