Pyrochlore-based high-entropy ceramics for capacitive energy storage
High-performance dielectrics are widely used in high-power systems,electric vehicles,and aerospace,as key materials for capacitor devices.Such application scenarios under these extreme conditions require ultra-high stability and reliability of the dielectrics.Herein,a novel pyrochlore component with high-entropy design of Bi1.5Zn0.75Mg0.25Nb0.75Ta0.75O7(BZMNT)bulk endows an excellent energy storage performance of Wrec~2.72 J/cm3 together with an ultra-high energy efficiency of 91%at a significant enhanced electric field Eb of 650 kV/cm.Meanwhile,the temperature coefficient(TCC)of BZMNT(~-220 ppm/℃)is also found to be greatly improved compared with that of the pure Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7(BZN)(~-300 ppm/℃),demonstrating its potential application in temperature-reliable conditions.The high-entropy design results in lattice distortion that contributes to the polarization,while the retardation effect results in a reduction of grain size to submicron scale which enhances the Eb.The high-entropy design provides a new strategy for improving the high energy storage performance of ceramic materials.
Yiying CHEN;Junlei QI;Minhao ZHANG;Zixi LUO;Yuan-Hua LIN
State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing,School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
[1]Yiying CHEN;Junlei QI;Minhao ZHANG;Zixi LUO;Yuan-Hua LIN-.Pyrochlore-based high-entropy ceramics for capacitive energy storage)[J].先进陶瓷(英文版),2022(07):1179-1185
Construction of cobalt vacancies in cobalt telluride to induce fast ionic/electronic diffusion kinetics for lithium-ion half/full batteries
Lei Hu;Lin Li;Yuyang Zhang;Xiaohong Tan;Hao Yang;Xiaoming Lin;Yexiang Tong-Anhui Laboratory of Functional Coordinated Complexes for Materials Chemistry and Application,School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,Anhui Polytechnic University,Wuhu 241000,China;MOE of the Key Laboratory of Bioinorganic and Synthetic Chemistry,The Key Laboratory of Low-Carbon Chemistry&Energy Conservation of Guangdong Province,School of Chemistry,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China;Key Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry of Environment,Ministry of Education,School of Chemistry,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Electrochemical Energy Materials,School of Chemistry&Chemical Engineering,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China
Synergistical heterointerface engineering of Fe-Se nanocomposite for high-performance sodium-ion hybrid capacitors
Pu-Guang Ji;Ying Liu;Shuang-Bin Han;Yu-Fu Yan;Oleg Victorovich Tolochko;Eugene Strativnov;Mirtemir Shodievich Kurbanov;Hua Wang;Cheng-Wei Zhang;Gong-Kai Wang-School of Materials Science&Engineering and Tianjin Key Laboratory of Materials Laminating Fabrication and Interface Control Technology,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300130,China;Institute of Machinery,Materials,and Transport,Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University,Saint Petersburg 195251,Russian Federation;The Gas Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Kyiv 03113,Ukraine;Arifov Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies,Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent 100125,Uzbekistan;School of Chemistry,Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China
High entropy fluorides as conversion cathodes with tailorable electrochemical performance
Yanyan Cui;Parvathy Anitha Sukkurji;Kai Wang;Raheleh Azmi;Alexandra M.Nunn;Horst Hahn;Ben Breitung;Yin-Ying Ting;Piotr M.Kowalski;Payam Kaghazchi;Qingsong Wang;Simon Schweidler;Miriam Botros-Institute of Nanotechnology,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT),Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1,76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,Germany;Institute for Applied Materials-Energy Storage Systems,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT),Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1,76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,Germany;Faculty of Science,University of Waterloo,Waterloo,ON N2L 3G1,Canada;KIT-TUD-Joint Research Laboratory Nanomaterials,Technical University Darmstadt,Darmstadt 64287,Germany;Theory and Computation of Energy Materials(IEK-13),Institute of Energy and Climate Research,Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,52425 Jülich,Germany;Materials Synthesis and Processing(IEK-1),Institute of Energy and Climate Research,Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,52425 Jülich,Germany