Design and Analysis of a Novel Compliant Mechanism with RPR Degrees of Freedom
A novel compliant mechanism with RPR degrees of freedom (DOF) is proposed where R and P represent rotation and translation DOFs, respectively. The proposed compliant mechanism is obtained from dimension synthesizing a 2-RPU-UPR rigid parallel mechanism with the method of optimization of motion/force transfer characteristic. R, P and U represent rotation, translation and universal pairs, respectively. Firstly, inverse kinematics and Jacobian matrix are analyzed for the dimensional synthesis. Then, output transmission indexes of branches in the parallel mechanism are given. Dimensional synthesis is completed based on the normalized design parameter. And optimization of flexure joints based on constrained energy is carried out. Afterwards, the novel compliant mechanism is obtained by direct replacing method. Mechanical model of the compliant mechanism including static stiffness and input stiffness is built based on the pseudo-rigid body modeling method and virtual work principle. Finally, FEA simulation by Ansys Workbench is carried out to verify DOF, effectiveness of the dimension synthesis, and compliant model. Optimization of motion/force transfer characteristic is first applied for the design of compliant mechanisms to suppress drift of rota-tion axis in the paper.
Shuang Zhang;Jingfang Liu;Huafeng Ding
College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China;Key Laboratoryof Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China;School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Infor-mation,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan 430074,China
[1]Shuang Zhang;Jingfang Liu;Huafeng Ding-.Design and Analysis of a Novel Compliant Mechanism with RPR Degrees of Freedom)[J].中国机械工程学报,2022(05):54-66
Formation Process and Mechanical Deformation Behavior of a Novel Laser-Printed Compression-Induced Twisting-Compliant Mechanism
Jie Gao;Dongdong Gu;Chenglong Ma;Donghua Dai;Lixia Xi;Kaijie Lin;Tong Gao;Jihong Zhu;Yuexin Du-College of Materials Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;Jiangsu Engineering Laboratory for Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Metallic Components,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;State IJR Center of Aerospace Design and Additive Manufacturing,MIIT Key Laboratory of Metal High Performance Additive Manufacturing and Innovative Design,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China;NPU-QMUL Joint Research Institute of Advanced Materials and Structure,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China