Soil erosion on the Brazilian sugarcane cropping system:An overview
Sugarcane(Saccharum officinarum)is an important crop for generating fiber,biofuel and other bioproducts.Brazil is the largest sugarcane producer in the world;however,limited knowledge is available with respect to soil erosion in the sugarcane cropping system.This study reviews the soil erosion rates in sugarcane cropping and evaluates the effects of soil management and land conversion on soil erosion.Eighteen studies(using conventional tillage)reporting 43 outcomes of soil erosion rates were examined using the Scopus? database.Different methods were used to measure soil erosion yielded different soil loss rates;highest values were recorded in the natural rain method,i.e.,experimental plots with a median of 28 Mg ha-1 yr-1,were obtained followed by modeling with 9.3 Mg ha-1 yr-1 and simulated rain with 2 Mg ha-1 yr-1.The median soil loss using all data(n=43)obtained by the three methods was 7.2 Mg ha-1 yr-1.The soil type increases soil erosion;the sugarcane cropping system is practiced over the most erodible Brazilian soils(e.g.,Ultisols and Oxisols)where sand fraction is dominant,particularly fine sand.Most studies focused on rainsplash and interrill erosion.However,rill,ephemeral and permanent gullies should be examined,particularly in sugarcane-cropping areas.
Edivaldo L.Thomaz;Francieli S.Marcatto;Valdemir Antoneli
Soil Erosion Laboratory,Department of Geography,Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste,Unicentro,Guarapuava,Paraná,Brazil;Department of Geography,Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste-UNICENTRO,Irati,Paraná,Brazil
[1]Edivaldo L.Thomaz;Francieli S.Marcatto;Valdemir Antoneli-.Soil erosion on the Brazilian sugarcane cropping system:An overview)[J].地理学与可持续性(英文),2022(02):129-138
Tillage and crop management impacts on soil loss and crop yields in northwestern Ethiopia
Fekremariam Asargew Mihretie;Atsushi Tsunekawa;Nigussie Haregeweyn;Enyew Adgo;Mitsuru Tsubo;Kindiye Ebabu;Tsugiyuki Masunaga;Birhanu Kebede;Derege Tsegaye Meshesha;Wataru Tsuji;Muluken Bayable;Mulatu Liyew Berihun-The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,Tottori University,4-101 Koyama-Minami,Tottori,680-8553,Japan;Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute,P.O.Box,527,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Arid Land Research Center,Tottori University,1390 Hamasaka,Tottori,680-0001,Japan;International Platform for Dryland Research and Education,Tottori University,1390 Hamasaka,Tottori,680-0001,Japan;College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box 1289,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Faculty of Life and Environmental Science,Shimane University,Shimane,Japan;Faculty of Civil and Water Resource Engineering,Bahir Dar Institute of Technology,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box,252,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Faculty of Agriculture,Tottori University,Tottori,Japan
Global analysis of cover management and support practice factors that control soil erosion and conservation
Kindiye Ebabu;Atsushi Tsunekawa;Nigussie Haregeweyn;Mitsuru Tsubo;Enyew Adgo;Ayele Almaw Fenta;Derege Tsegaye Meshesha;Mulatu Liyew Berihun;Dagnenet Sultan;Matthias Vanmaercke;Panos Panagos;Pasquale Borrelli;Eddy J.Langendoen;Jean Poesen-Arid Land Research Center,Tottori University,1390 Hamasaka,Tottori,680-0001,Japan;College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box 1289,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;International Platform for Dryland Research and Education,Tottori University,Tortori,680-0001,Japan;Department of Land Resources Management and Environmental Protection,Mekelle University,P.O.Box 231,Mekelle,Ethiopia;Faculty of Civil and Water Resource Engineering,Bahir Dar Institute of Technology,Bahir Dar University,P.O.Box 26,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia;Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,KU,Leuven,3001,Heverlee,Belgium;University of Liege,Department of Geography(U.R SPHERES),Clos Mercator 3,4000,Liège,Belgium;European Commission,Joint Research Centre(JRC),Ispra(VR),21027,Italy;Environmental Geosciences,University of Basel,Basel,4056,Switzerland;National Sedimentation Laboratory,Agricultural Research Service,United States Department of Agriculture,USA;Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management,Maria-Curie Sklodowska University,Krasnicka 2D,20-718,Lublin,Poland
Runoff and nutrient losses in alfalfa(Medicago sativa L)production with tied-ridge-furrow rainwater harvesting on sloping land
Qi Wang;Fuchun Li;Xiaole Zhao;Wucheng Zhao;Dengkui Zhang;Xujiao Zhou;David J.Sample;Xiaoyun Wang;Qinglin Liu;Xiaoling Li;Guang Li;Heling Wang;Kai Zhang;Jin Chen-College of Grassland Science,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,730070,China;Tongwei County Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Dingxi,743300,China;Department of Biological Systems Engineering,Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.,Virginia Beach,VA,USA;Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,730070,China;College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,730070,China;College of Forestry,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,730070,China;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Change and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province,Key Open Laboratory of Arid Change and Disaster Reduction of CMA,Institute of Arid Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Lanzhou,730020,China;Dingxi Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Dingxi,743000,China
Rangeland restoration in Jordan:Restoring vegetation cover by water harvesting measures
Mira Haddad;Stefan Martin Strohmeier;Kossi Nouwakpo;Omar Rimawi;Mark Weltz;Geert Sterk-Restoration Initiative on Dryland Ecosystem,Resilient Agrosilvopastoral Systems(RASP),International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas(ICARDA),Amman,Jordan;Great Basin Rangelands Research,Agriculture Research Service(ARS),United State Department for Agriculture(USDA),Reno,NV,USA;Department of Water,Atmosphere and Environment,Institute of Soil Physics and Rural Water Management,University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,Vienna,Austria;Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory,Agriculture Research Service(ARS),United States Department for Agriculture(USDA),Kimberly,ID,USA;Department of Applied and Environmental Geology,Faculty of Science,The University of Jordan,Amman,Jordan;Geosciences,Department of Physical Geography,Utrecht University,Utrecht,the Netherlands