Ability of soil bacterial composition as an indicator of levels of soil erosion in a badland
Calanchi(plural of calanco)are typical Italian badlands created by a combination of morphogenetic processes(rill and interrill erosion,gullying,piping,and mass movements)mainly originated by the effect of water.Calanchi are characterized by the sparse and patchy distribution of vegetation,and,in interplant areas,the soil surface is colonized by an association of organisms known as biological soil crust(BSC).A morphometric analysis of 45 basins in the studied calanchi area,based on a high-resolution digital elevation model,showed those basins are sediment removal systems characterized by rapid and relevant erosion processes.The goal of the current research is to evaluate the bacterial composition of BSC and to recognize its signature of land degradation processes in soil samples by a microbiological analysis(culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches).Soil bacterial distribution was investigated by a culture-independent approach,applying Illumina technology in soils with different vegetation cover.Four species were detected in site A(bare soil).In sites B(sparse vegetation)and C(densely vegetated soil)19 and 18 bacterial taxa were detected,respectively.Sites B and C were char-acterized by 17 species in common.The microbial communities detected at sites B and C are typical of environments unable to support vegetation and microorganisms that are not specialized to live in these environments.Biodiversity analysis of the bacterial communities of biocrusts,done using richness and evenness indices,confirmed that the composition of the BSC communities can be a signature of the intensity of soil erosion processes.
Gaetano Guida;Vincenzo Palmeri;Luca Settanni;Raimondo Gaglio;Marco Tolone;Vito Ferro
Department of Agricultural,Food and Forest Sciences,University of Palermo,Viale delle Scienze,Building 4,90128 Palermo,Italy
[1]Gaetano Guida;Vincenzo Palmeri;Luca Settanni;Raimondo Gaglio;Marco Tolone;Vito Ferro-.Ability of soil bacterial composition as an indicator of levels of soil erosion in a badland)[J].国际泥沙研究(英文版),2022(04):493-504
Debris flow simulation 2D(DFS 2D):Numerical modelling of debris flows and calibration of friction parameters
Minu Treesa Abraham;Neeelima Satyam;Biswajeet Pradhan;Hongling Tian-Department of Civil Engineering,Indian Institute of Technology Indore,Indore,India;Centre for Advanced Modelling and Geospatial Information Systems(CAMGIS),School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology,University of Technology Sydney,Sydney,Australia;Center of Excellence for Climate Change Research,King Abdulaziz University,Jeddah,Saudi Arabia;Earth Observation Centre,Institute of Climate Change,University Kebangsaan Malaysia,Bangi,Malaysia;Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Surface Process,Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu,China
Size fractions of organic matter pools influence their stability:Application of the Rock-Eval? analysis to beech forest soils
David SEBAG;Eric P.VERRECCHIA;Thierry ADATTE;Micha?l AUBERT;Guillaume CAILLEAU;Thibaud DECA?NS;Isabelle KOWALEWSKI;Jean TRAP;Fabrice BUREAU;Micka?l HEDDE-Normandie Univ,Université de Rouen Normandie(UNIROUEN),Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS),M2C,Rouen 76000(France);Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics(IDYST),Geopolis,University of Lausanne,Lausanne 1015(Switzerland);Institut Fran?ais du Pétrole Energies Nouvelles(IFPEN),Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Division,Rueil-Malmaison 92852(France);Institute of Earth Sciences(ISTE),Geopolis,University of Lausanne,Lausanne 1015(Switzerland);Normandie Univ,Université de Rouen Normandie(UNIROUEN),Institut National de Recherche pour l Agriculture,l'Alimentation et l'Environnement(INRAE),Laboratoire étude et Compréhension de la bioDIVersité(ECODIV),Rouen 76000(France);Laboratory of Microbiology,Institute of Biology,University of Neuchatel,Neuchatel 2000(Switzerland);Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive(CEFE),Université de Montpellier,CNRS,Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes(EPHE),Institut de Recherche pour le Développement(IRD),Montpellier 34000(France);Eco&Sols,INRAE,IRD,Université de Montpellier,Montpellier 34000(France)