Biorthogonal quantum criticality in non-Hermitian many-body systems
We develop the perturbation theory of the fidelity susceptibility in biorthogonal bases for arbitrary interacting non-Hermitian many-body systems with real eigenvalues.The quantum criticality in the non-Hermitian transverse field Ising chain is investigated by the second derivative of the ground-state energy and the ground-state fidelity susceptibility.We show that the system undergoes a second-order phase transition with the Ising universal class by numerically computing the critical points and the critical exponents from the finite-size scaling theory.Interestingly,our results indicate that the biorthogonal quantum phase transitions are described by the biorthogonal fidelity susceptibility instead of the conventional fidelity susceptibility.
Gaoyong Sun;Jia-Chen Tang;Su-Peng Kou
College of Science,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106,China;Key Laboratory of Aerospace Information Materials and Physics(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics),MIIT,Nanjing 211106,China;Center for Advanced Quantum Studies,Department of Physics,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China
[1]Gaoyong Sun;Jia-Chen Tang;Su-Peng Kou-.Biorthogonal quantum criticality in non-Hermitian many-body systems)[J].物理学前沿,2022(03):53-61
Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories on superconducting circuits:Quantum phase transition and quench dynamics
Zi-Yong Ge;Rui-Zhen Huang;Zi-Yang Meng;Heng Fan-Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;School of Physical Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory,Dongguan 523808,China;Department of Physics and HKU-UCAS Joint Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics,The University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong SAR,China;CAS Center for Excellence in Topological Quantum Computation,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China
Experimental exploration of five-qubit quantum error-correcting code with superconducting qubits
Ming Gong;Xiao Yuan;Shiyu Wang;Yulin Wu;Youwei Zhao;Chen Zha;Shaowei Li;Zhen Zhang;Qi Zhao;Yunchao Liu;Futian Liang;Jin Lin;Yu Xu;Hui Beng;Hao Rong;He Lu;Simon C.Benjamin;Cheng-Zhi Peng;Xiongfeng Ma;Yu-Ao Chen;Xiaobo Zhu;Jian-Wei Pan-Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale and Department of Modern Physics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China;Shanghai Branch,CAS Center for Excellence and Synergetic Innovation Center in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics,University of Science and Technology of China,Shanghai 201315,China;Shanghai Research Center for Quantum Sciences,Shanghai 201315,China;Center for Quantum Information,Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;Department of Materials,University of Oxford,Oxford OX13PH,UK
Interaction-induced particle-hole symmetry breaking and fractional exclusion statistics
Xibo Zhang;Yang-Yang Chen;Longxiang Liu;Youjin Deng;Xiwen Guan-International Center for Quantum Materials,School of Physics,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter,Beijing 100871,China;Beiijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences,Beijing 100193,China;State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics,Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics,Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430071,China;Institute of Modern Physics,Northwest University,Xi'an 710127,China;Chinese Academy of Sciences Center for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230326,China;MinJiang Collaborative Center for Theoretical Physics,College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering,Minjiang University,Fuzhou 350108,China;Department of Theoretical Physics,Research School of Physics and Engineering,Australian National University,Canberra ACT 0200,Australia
Gapless quantum spin liquid and global phase diagram of the spin-1/2 J1-J2 square antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model
Wen-Yuan Liu;Shou-Shu Gong;Yu-Bin Li;Didier Poilblanc;Wei-Qiang Chen;Zheng-Cheng Gu-Department of Physics,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong,China;Department of Physics,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China;Laboratoire de Physique Théorique,C.N.R.S,and Université de Toulouse,Toulouse 31062,France;Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Quantum Functional Materials and Devices,Southern University of Science and Technology,Shenzhen 518055,China;Department of Physics and Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering,Southern University of Science and Technology,Shenzhen 518055,China;International Quantum Academy,and Shenzhen Branch,Hefei National Laboratory,Shenzhen 518040,China