Diversity patterns of cushion plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau:A basic study for future conservation efforts on alpine ecosystems
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP)is an important cushion plant hotspot.However,the distribution of cushion plants on the QTP is unknown,as are the factors that drive cushion plant distribution,limiting our understanding of the evolution of cushion species in the region.In this study,we assessed spatial patterns of total cushion plant diversity(including taxonomic and phylogenetic)over the entire QTP and compared patterns of diversity of cushion plants with different typologies(i.e.,compact vs.loose).We also examined how these patterns were related to climatic features.Our results indicate that the southern QTP hosts the highest total cushion plant richness,especially in the south-central Hengduan Mountains subregion.The total number of cushion species declines from south to north and from southeast to northwest.Compact cushion plants exhibit similar patterns as the total cushion plant richness,whereas loose cushion plants show random distribution.Cushion plant phylogenetic diversity showed a similar pattern as that of the total cushion plant richness.In addition,cushion plant phylo-genetic community structure was clustered in the eastern and southwestern QTP,whereas random or overdispersed in other areas.Climatic features represented by annual energy and water trends,sea-sonality and extreme environmental factors,had significant effects on cushion plant diversity patterns but limited effects on the phylogenetic community structure,suggesting that climatic features indeed promote the formation of cushion plants.Because cushion plants play vital roles in alpine ecosystems,our findings not only promote our understanding of the evolution and formation of alpine cushion plant diversity but also provide an indispensable foundation for future studies on cushion plant functions and thus alpine ecosystem sustainability in the entire QTP region.
Ya-Zhou Zhang;Li-Shen Qian;Xu-Fang Chen;Lu Sun;Hang Sun;Jian-Guo Chen
Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia,Kunming Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming,Yunnan,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China;School of Life Sciences,Yunnan University,Kunming,Yunnan,China
[1]Ya-Zhou Zhang;Li-Shen Qian;Xu-Fang Chen;Lu Sun;Hang Sun;Jian-Guo Chen-.Diversity patterns of cushion plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau:A basic study for future conservation efforts on alpine ecosystems)[J].植物多样性(英文),2022(03):231-242
Geochemical signatures and human health risk evaluation of rare earth elements in soils and plants of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
LI Leiming;WU Jun;LU Jian;ZHANG Xiying;XU Juan-Key Laboratory of Comprehensive and Highly Efficient Utilization of Salt Lake Resources,Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xining 810008,China;Yantai Research Institute,Harbin Engineering University,Yantai 264006,China;CAS Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation,Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Yantai 264003,China;Shandong Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes,Yantai 264003,China;Qinghai Provincial Key Laboratory of Geology and Environment of Salt Lakes,Xining 810008,China;State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China
Forest plant and macrofungal differences in the Greater and Lesser Khingan Mountains in Northeast China: A regional?historical comparison and its implications
Yuanyuan Wang;Hui Wen;Kai Wang;Jingxue Sun;Jinghua Yu;Qinggui Wang;Wenjie Wang-Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130102, People's Republic of China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,People's Republic of China;Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology(MOE),College of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040, People's Republic of China;Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,People's Republic of China;Department of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080, People's Republic of China
Species,growth form,and biogeographic diversity of summit vegetation along an elevation gradient in the tropical Andes:a baseline for climate change monitoring
Luis D.LLAMBI;Luis E.GáMEZ;Roxibell PELAYO;Carmen J.AZóCAR;Jesús E.TORRES;Nelson J.MáRQUEZ;Monica B.BERDUGO;Francisco CUESTA;Lirey A.RAMIREZ-Institute of Environmental and Ecological Sciences(ICAE),University of Los Andes,Mérida 5101,Venezuela;Consorcium for Susteinable Development of the Andean Eco-Region(CONDESAN),Calle Germán Alemán E12-123,Quit 170504,Ecuador;Laboratory of Dendrology,Environmental and Forestry Faculty,University of Los Andes,Mérida 5101,Venezuela;Ecological Plant Geography,Faculty of Geography,Univ.of Marburg,Deutschhausstrasse 10,Marburg 35032,Germany;Group of Biodiversity,Environment and Health Research(BIOMAS),University of Las Américas,Quito 170125,Ecuador
Tropical tree community composition and diversity variation along a volcanic elevation gradient
Rubén MARTíNEZ-CAMILO;Manuel MARTíNEZ-MELéNDEZ;Nayely MARTíNEZ-MELéNDEZ;Derio Antonio JIMéNEZ-LóPEZ;Mauricio JOSé-RíOS-Unidad Villa Corzo,Facultad de Ingeniería,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,30520 Villa Corzo,Chiapas,Mexico;Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,29039 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico;Eizia A.C.,29045 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico;Departamento de Conservación de la Biodiversidad,El Colegio de la Frontera Sur,29290 San Cristóbal de las Casas,Chiapas,Mexico;Orquidiario y Jardín Botánico de Comitán,Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Natural,30106 Comitán de Domínguez,Chiapas,Mexico;Instituto de Investigación en Gestión de Riesgos y Cambio Climático,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,29039 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico
Nuclear and plastid phylogenomic analyses provide insights into the reticulate evolution,species delimitation,and biogeography of the Sino-Japanese disjunctive Diabelia(Caprifoliaceae)
Xiu-Rong Ke;Diego F.Morales-Briones;Hong-Xin Wang;Qing-Hui Sun;Jacob B.Landis;Jun Wen;Hua-Feng Wang-Key Laboratory of Tropical Biological Resources of Ministry of Education,College of Tropical Crops,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China;Department of Plant and Microbial Biology,College of Biological Sciences,University of Minnesota,Saint Paul,MN 55108,USA;Systematics,Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants,Department of Biology I,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t Munchen,Munich 80638,Germany;Zhai Mingguo Academician Work Station,Sanya University,Sanya 572022,China;School of Integrative Plant Science,Section of Plant Biology and the L.H.Bailey Hortorium,Cornell University,Ithaca,NY 14850,USA;BTI Computational Biology Center,Boyce Thompson Institute,Ithaca,NY 14853,USA;Department of Botany,National Museum of Natural History,Smithsonian Institution,Washington,DC 20013-7012,USA