Occurrence and distribution of micro-and mesoplastics in the high-latitude nature reserve,northern China
Microplastics pollution has received growing attention worldwide in recent years.However,data on microplastics in the freshwater environment are still limited,especially in high-latitude nature reserves in Northern China.The first study on microplastic pollution in the Liaohe River Reserve in Northern China is reported here,and mesoplastics were also incorporated.Surface water and sediment samples were collected from 32 sites along the nature reserve.The abundance,type,shape,color,and size of micro-and mesoplastics were measured using density extraction,optical microscopy,and FTIR spectroscopy.The data showed that diverse micro-and mesoplastics were found widespread in the 32 sites,and the average abundance of these plastics was 0.11±0.04 10-2 items/L in surface water and 62.29±54.30 items/kg in sediment.Moreover,70% and 66% were smaller than 2000 μm in surface water and sediment,respectively.Fiber accounted for 91.86% in surface water and 43.48% in sediment,indicating that the major source of micro-and mesoplastics in the Liaohe River Reserve may be domestic sewage and aquaculture.A total of 16 and 27 polymers were identified in surface water and sediment,respectively,and mostly consisted of rayon,polyester,polystyrene,and poly(ethylene terephthalate).Moreover,both the risk index and the pollution load index demonstrated a low risk of micro-and mesoplastics in surface water and sediment in the Liaohe River Reserve.
Wenwen Gong;Yu Xing;Lihua Han;Anxiang Lu;Han Qu;Li Xu
Beijing Research Center for Agricultural Standards and Testing,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science,Beijing 100097,China;Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Agriculture Environment Monitoring,Beijing 100097,China;Department of Pharmacology,College of Medicine,The University of Arizona,Tucson,AZ85721,USA
[1]Wenwen Gong;Yu Xing;Lihua Han;Anxiang Lu;Han Qu;Li Xu-.Occurrence and distribution of micro-and mesoplastics in the high-latitude nature reserve,northern China)[J].环境科学与工程前沿,2022(09):15-24
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