Microstructure and magnetocaloric properties of partially crystallized Gd60Co30Fe10 amorphous alloy prepared by different solidification cooling rates
The Gd60Co30Fe10 alloy ribbons with different solidification cooling rates were prepared by modifying the melt-spinning speed of 6.0,12.5,25.0 and 50.0 m·s-1.With cooling rate decreasing,the (Fe,Co)5Gd and hcp-Gd nanocrystalline was in situ precipitated among the amor-phous matrix,which resulted in the composition change of the amorphous phase.Because of the only slight amount of crystalline phase in Gd60Co30Fe10 alloys,the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties mainly depend on the amor-phous phase,and all the magnetic entropy change versus temperature (|ASM|-T) curves are table-like,indicating the suitability for Ericsson cycle.The magnetic transition temperature of the Gd60Co30Fe10 alloy at a melt-spinning speed of 6.0 m·s-1 shifted obviously to the lower value with the applied magnetic fields increasing.The peak value of magnetic entropy change (|ΔSMPk|) is 2.19 J·kg-1·K-1 at 217 K under the magnetic field change of 0-2 T,and the table-like region is 200-230 K.It was proved that the moderate reduction of the cooling rate will not deteriorate the magnetocaloric performance of the Gd60Co30Fe10 rib-bons seriously.
Hui-Yan Zhang;Zi-Yang Zhang;Ya-Fang Xu;Ai-Lin Xia;Wei-Huo Li;Fa-Chao Wang;Shuang-Shuang Chen;Gerard Sisó
Key Laboratory of Green Fabrication and Surface Technology of Advanced Metal Materials (Anhui University of Technology),Ministry of Education,Ma'anshan 243002,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Anhui University of Technology,Ma'anshan 243002,China;Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica-Escola d'Enginyeria,Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,Bellaterra 08193,Spain
[1]Hui-Yan Zhang;Zi-Yang Zhang;Ya-Fang Xu;Ai-Lin Xia;Wei-Huo Li;Fa-Chao Wang;Shuang-Shuang Chen;Gerard Sisó-.Microstructure and magnetocaloric properties of partially crystallized Gd60Co30Fe10 amorphous alloy prepared by different solidification cooling rates)[J].稀有金属(英文版),2022(01):246-253
Structural origin of magnetic softening in a Fe-based amorphous alloy upon annealing
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A hybrid machine learning model for predicting continuous cooling transformation diagrams in welding heat-affected zone of low alloy steels
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