Quantitative analysis of mechanical properties associated with aging treatment and microstructure in Mg-Al-Zn alloys through machine learning
The present study proposes a methodology for predicting the mechanical properties of AZ61 and AZ91 alloys associated with microstructure,texture and aging parameters and estimating predictor importance.For this,we investigate quantitative correlations between microstructure,texture and mechanical prop-erties of aged AZ61 and AZ91 rods through machine learning.This regression analysis focuses on the precipitation behavior of Mg17Al12 as the main second phase of Mg-Al-Zn alloys with respect to aging conditions.To simplify data generation,only SEM images were used to quantify the features of discontin-uous and continuous precipitates.To overcome the lack of data and make the most of the measured data,we devised a method to extend the existing dataset by a factor of 9 using the mean and standard devi-ation of the measured data.Artificial neural networks predicted tensile and compressive yield strengths and resultant yield asymmetry with a high accuracy of over 98%using 11 predictors for a total of 288 datasets.Decision tree learning quantitatively assessed the importance of predictors in determining the mechanical properties of aged AZ61 and AZ91 rods.
Joung Sik Suh;Byeong-Chan Suh;Sang Eun Lee;Jun Ho Bae;Byoung Gi Moon
Advanced Metals Division,Korea Institute of Materials Science,Changwon 51508,Republic of Korea
[1]Joung Sik Suh;Byeong-Chan Suh;Sang Eun Lee;Jun Ho Bae;Byoung Gi Moon-.Quantitative analysis of mechanical properties associated with aging treatment and microstructure in Mg-Al-Zn alloys through machine learning)[J].材料科学技术(英文版),2022(12):52-63
Influence of Zr and Mn additions on microstructure and properties of Mg–2.5wt%Cu–Xwt%Zn (X = 2.5, 5 and 6.5) alloys
A.V.Koltygin;V.E.Bazhenov;I.V.Plisetskaya;V.A.Bautin;A.I.Bazlov;N.Y.Tabachkova;O.O.Voropaeva;A.A.Komissarov;V.D.Belov-Foundry Department,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Department of Metallurgy Steel,New Production Technologies and Protection of Metals,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow119049,Russia;Laboratory of Advanced Green Materials,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Department of Materials Science of Semiconductors and Dielectrics,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Fianit Laboratory(Laser Materials and Technology Research Center at GPI),Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS,Moscow 119991,Russia;Laboratory of Hybrid Nanostructured Materials,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Laboratory of Medical Bioresorption and Bioresistance,Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry,Moscow 127473,Russia