Review on corrosion and corrosion scale formation upon unlined cast iron pipes in drinking water distribution systems
The qualified finished water from water treatment plants(WTPs)may become discolored and deteriorated during transportation in drinking water distribution systems(DWDSs),which affected tap water quality seriously.This water stability problem often occurs due to pipe corrosion and the destabilization of corrosion scales.This paper provides a com-prehensive review of pipe corrosion in DWDSs,including corrosion process,corrosion scale formation,influencing factors and monitoring technologies utilized in DWDSs.In terms of corrosion process,corrosion occurrence,development mechanisms,currently applied as-says,and indices used to determine the corrosion possibility are summarized,as well as the chemical and bacterial influences.In terms of scale formation,explanations for the na-ture of corrosion and scale formation mechanisms are discussed and its typical multilayered structure is illustrated.Furthermore,the influences of water quality and microbial activity on scale transformation are comprehensively discussed.Corrosion-related bacteria at the genus level and their associated corrosion mechanism are also summarized.This review helps deepen the current understanding of pipe corrosion and scale formation in DWDSs,providing guidance for water supply utilities to ensure effective measures to maintain water quality stability and guarantee drinking water safety.
Haiya Zhang;Dibo Liu;Lutong Zhao;Jun Wang;Shuguang Xie;Shuming Liu;Pengfei Lin;Xiaojian Zhang;Chao Chen
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control,School of Environment,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Beijing 100012,China;Research Institute for Environmental Innovation(Suzhou),Tsinghua,Suzhou 215163,China;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control,College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China
[1]Haiya Zhang;Dibo Liu;Lutong Zhao;Jun Wang;Shuguang Xie;Shuming Liu;Pengfei Lin;Xiaojian Zhang;Chao Chen-.Review on corrosion and corrosion scale formation upon unlined cast iron pipes in drinking water distribution systems)[J].环境科学学报(英文版),2022(07):173-189
Vacuum wetting of Ag/TA2 to develop a novel micron porous Ti with significant biocompatibility and antibacterial activity
Guanpeng Liu;Yulong Li;Ming Yan;Jicai Feng;Jian Cao;Min Lei;Quanwen Liu;Xiaowu Hu;Wenqin Wang;Xuewen Li-Key Lab for Robot and Welding Automation ofJJiangxi Province,Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China;Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Science,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China;Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials,Southern University of Science and Technology,Shenzhen 518055,China;State Key Lab of Advanced Welding and Joining,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;The National Engineering Research Center for Bioengineering Drugs and the Technologies,Institute of Translational Medicine,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China;The Engineering Training Center of Nanchang University,Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School,Nanchang University.Nanchang 330031,China
Antifouling nanocomposite polymer coatings for marine applications:A review on experiments,mechanisms,and theoretical studies
Sepideh Pourhashem;Abdolvahab Seif;Farhad Saba;Elham Garmroudi Nezhad;Xiaohong Ji;Ziyang Zhou;Xiaofan Zhai;Majid Mirzaee;Jizhou Duan;Alimorad Rashidi;Baorong Hou-Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Corrosion and Bio-fouling,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao 266071,China;Open studio for marine Corrosion and Protection,Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology,Qingdao 266237,China;Center for Ocean Mega-Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao 266071,China;Nanotechnology Research Center,Research Institute of Petroleum Industry(RIPI),West Entrance Blvd.,Olympic Village,Tehran,Iran;Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Engineering Faculty,Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,Mashhad,Iran;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100039,China;Non-Metallic Materials Research Group,Niroo Research Institute,Tehran 14665517,Iran