Atmospheric particle-bound polycyclic aromatic compounds over two distinct sites in Pakistan:Characteristics,sources and health risk assessment
Much attention is drawn to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as an air pollutant due to their toxic,mutagenic and carcinogenic properties.Therefore,to understand the levels,seasonality,sources and potential health risk of PAHs in two distinct geographical loca-tions at Karachi and Martdan in Pakistan,total suspended particle (TSP) samples were col-lected for over one year period.The average total PAH concentrations were 31.5 ± 24.4 and 199 ±-229 ng/m3 in Karachi and Mardan,respectively.The significantly lower concentration in Karachi was attributed to diffusion and dilution of the PAHs by the influence of clean air mass from the Arabian sea and high temperature,enhancing the volatilization of the paiti-cle phase PAHs to the gas phase.Conversely,the higher concentration (~6 times) in Mardan was due to large influence from local and regional emission sources.A clear seasonality was observed at both the sites,with the higher values in winter and post-monsoon due to higher emissions and less scavenging,and lower values during monsoon season due to the dilution effect.Diagnostic ratios and principal component analysis indicated that PAHs in both sites originated from traffic and mixed combustion sources (fossil fuels and biomass).The average total BaP equivalent concentrations (BaPeq) in Karachi and Mardan were 3.26 and 34 ng/m3,respectively,which were much higher than the WHO guideline of 1 ng/m3.The average estimates of incremental lifetime cancer risk from exposure to airborne BaPeq via inhalation indicated a risk to human health from atmospheric PAHs at both sites.
Linda Maharjan;Shichang Kang;Lekhendra Tripathee;Chaman Gul;Huijun Zheng;Quanlian Li;Pengfei Chen;Mukesh Rai;Ewerton Santos
State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences,Beijing 100085,China;Himalayan Environment Research Institute,Kathmandu 44600,Nepal;Reading Academy,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210044,China;Departamento de Química,Universidade Federal de Sergipe,Sāo Cristóvāo,Sergipe SE 49100-000,Brazil
[1]Linda Maharjan;Shichang Kang;Lekhendra Tripathee;Chaman Gul;Huijun Zheng;Quanlian Li;Pengfei Chen;Mukesh Rai;Ewerton Santos-.Atmospheric particle-bound polycyclic aromatic compounds over two distinct sites in Pakistan:Characteristics,sources and health risk assessment)[J].环境科学学报(英文版),2022(02):1-15