Morphology,structure and magnetic behavior of orthorhombic and hexagonal HoFeO3 synthesized via solution combustion approach
Nanostructured HoFeO3 powders were obtained by solution combustion method at various glycine-nitrate ratios (G/N =0.2,0.4… 1.4).According to X-ray powder diffractometry data,the presence of two modifications of HoFeO3 in the synthesized samples was established:orthorhombic (Pbnm) and hexagonal (P63/mmc).The crystallite size of the obtained compositions varies from 62 ± 6 to 29 ± 3 nm,depending on the G/N ratio.From magnetic structure studies,it is found that HoFeO3 obtained with a stoichiometric amount of glycine in the reaction solution is in the magnetically ordered state and is represented by a sextet with quadrupole splitting (QS) =0 mm/s,isomeric shift (IS) =0.36 mm/s and effective field strength (Heff) =497 kOe.According to the results of vibrational magnetometry,it is found that the orthoferrites obtained have a ferromagnetic structure,the main parameters of which (Ms,Mr and Hc) systematically change with a change in the redox ratio of the reaction mixture and,as a consequence,their phase composition,and reach maximum values at a G/N ratio =0.6.In the samples obtained with a significant excess and lack of glycine (G/N-0.2 and 1.4),despite their amorphous nature,hysteresis loops characteristic of the ferromagnetic state of the substance is observed.It is hopeful to obtain a pure hexagonal modification of HoFeO3 via heat treatment on amorphous products of glycine-nitrate combustion.
K.D.Martinson;I.S.Kondrashkova;M.I.Chebanenko;A.S.Kiselev;T.Yu Kiseleva;V.I.Popkov
Ioffe Institute,26 Politeknicheskaya,St.Petersburg,194021,Russia;Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology,26 Moskovsky,St.Petersburg,190013,Russia;Faculty of Physics,M.V.Lomonosov State University,Leninskie Gory,Moscow,119991,Russia
[1]K.D.Martinson;I.S.Kondrashkova;M.I.Chebanenko;A.S.Kiselev;T.Yu Kiseleva;V.I.Popkov-.Morphology,structure and magnetic behavior of orthorhombic and hexagonal HoFeO3 synthesized via solution combustion approach)[J].稀土学报(英文版),2022(02):296-301
Highly transmitted silver nanowires-SWCNTs conductive flexible film by nested density structure and aluminum-doped zinc oxide capping layer for flexible amorphous silicon solar cells
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Emad S.Goda;Bidhan Pandit;Sang Eun Hong;Bal Sydulu Singu;Seong K.Kim;Essam B.Moustafa;Kuk Ro Yoon-Organic Nanomaterials Lab,Department of Chemistry,Hannam University,Daejeon 34054,Republic of Korea;Gas Analysis and Fire Safety Laboratory,Chemistry Division,National Institute for Standards,136,Giza 12211,Egypt;Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering,Universidad Carlos Ⅲ de Madrid,Avenida de La Universidad 30,28911 Leganés,Madrid,Spain;Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,Yonsei University,Seoul 03722,Republic of Korea;Department of Chemical Engineering,Hannam University,1646 Yuseongdae-ro,Yuseong-gu,Daejeon 34054,Republic of Korea;Mechanical Engineering Department,Faculty of Engineering,King Abdulaziz University,P.O.Box 80204,Jeddah 22254,Saudi Arabia