Particle dynamics revealed by 210Po/210Pb disequilibria around Prydz Bay, the Southern Ocean in summer
Seawater samples were collected around Prydz Bay in summer of 2014, dissolved and particulate 210Po and 210Pb were measured to reveal the disequilibrium characteristics and particle dynamics. Our results show that the distribution of 210Po and 210Po/210Pb activity ratio in the upper water is mainly affected by biological absorption or particle adsorption. An abnormal excess of 210Po relative to 210Pb was observed in the surface water at stations P1-2 and P2-2, which is likely to be the horizontal transport of water mass with high DPo/DPb)A.R. and TPo/TPb)A.R.. In this study, the removal of particulate 210Po is mainly controlled by the scavenging of dissolved 210Po and the two have a linear positive correlation with the salinity, a negative linear correlation with the content of dissolved oxygen and a reciprocal relationship with the content of POC. The export flux of POC at 100 m is estimated to be 1.8–4.4 mmol·m?2·d?1 (avg. 2.9 mmol·m?2·d?1) based on 210Po/210Pb disequilibria, with the highest value in the shelf, which is consistent with the distribution of biological productivity.
CHEN Mengya;CHEN Min;ZHENG Minfang;QIU Yusheng;ZHU Jing;QIAN Qiankun
College of Ocean and Earth Sciences,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361102,China
[1]CHEN Mengya;CHEN Min;ZHENG Minfang;QIU Yusheng;ZHU Jing;QIAN Qiankun-.Particle dynamics revealed by 210Po/210Pb disequilibria around Prydz Bay, the Southern Ocean in summer)[J].极地科学进展(英文版),2022(01):71-85
Comparison in phytoplankton diversity-productivity-community stability between river-type reservoir and lake-type reservoir
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Bin Wang;Allan C.Spessa;Puyu Feng;Xin Hou;Chao Yue;Jing-Jia Luo;Philippe Ciais;Cathy Waters;Annette Cowie;Rachael H.Nolan;Tadas Nikonovas;Huidong Jin;Henry Walshaw;Jinghua Wei;Xiaowei Guo;De Li Liu;Qiang Yu-State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,China;New South Wales Department of Primary Industries,Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute,Wagga Wagga 2650,Australia;Department of Geography,College of Science,Swansea University,Singleton Park,Swansea SA2 8PP,UK;College of Land Science and Technology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China;College of Natural Resources and Environment,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,China;Institute for Climate and Application Research(ICAR)/Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education(KLME),Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement,CEA-CNRS-UVSQ,Gif sur Yvette F-91191,France;New South Wales Department of Primary Industries,Dubbo 2830,Australia;New South Wales Department of Primary Industries,Armidale 2351,Australia;School of Environmental and Rural Science,University of New England,Armidale 2351,Australia;Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment,Western Sydney University,Penrith 2751,Australia;CSIRO Data61,Canberra 2601,Australia;Python Charmers Pty Ltd,Hawthorn 3122,Australia;Key Laboratory of Adaptation and Evolution of Plateau Biota,Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xining 810008,China;Climate Change Research Centre,University of New South Wales,Sydney 2052,Australia;College of Resources and Environment,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China