An Investigation of Landslide Susceptibility Using Logistic Regression and Statistical Index Methods in Dailekh District,Nepal
Landslide distribution and susceptibility mapping are the fundamental steps for landslide-related hazard and disaster risk management activities,especially in the Himalaya region which has resulted in a great deal of death and damage to property.To better understand the landslide condition in the Nepal Himalaya,we carried out an investigation on the landslide distribution and susceptibility using the landslide inventory data and 12 different contributing factors in the Dailekh district,Western Nepal.Based on the evaluation of the frequency distribution of the landslide,the relationship between the landslide and the various contributing factors was determined.Then,the landslide susceptibility was calculated using logistic regression and statistical index methods along with different topographic(slope,aspect,relative relief,plan curvature,altitude,topographic wetness index)and non-topographic factors(distance from river,nor-malized difference vegetation index(NDVI),distance from road,precipitation,land use and land cover,and geology),and 470(70%)of total 658 landslides.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis using 198(30%)of total landslides showed that the pre-diction curve rates(area under the curve,AUC)values for two methods(logistic regression and statistical index)were 0.826,and 0.823 with success rates of 0.793,and 0.811,respectively.The values of R-Index for the logistic regression and statistical index methods were 83.66 and 88.54,respectively,consisting of high susceptible hazard classes.In general,this research concluded that the cohesive and co-herent natural interplay of topographic and non-topographic factors strongly affects landslide occurrence,distribution,and susceptibility condition in the Nepal Himalaya region.Furthermore,the reliability of these two methods is verified for landslide susceptibility map-ping in Nepal's central mountain region.
Dil Kumar RAI;XIONG Donghong;ZHAO Wei;ZHAO Dongmei;ZHANG Baojun;Nirmal Mani DAHAL;WU Yanhong;Muhammad Aslam BAIG
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment(IMHE),Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu 610041,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Kathmandu Center for Research and Education,Chinese Academy of Sciences-Tribhuvan University,Kathmandu 44613,Nepal
[1]Dil Kumar RAI;XIONG Donghong;ZHAO Wei;ZHAO Dongmei;ZHANG Baojun;Nirmal Mani DAHAL;WU Yanhong;Muhammad Aslam BAIG-.An Investigation of Landslide Susceptibility Using Logistic Regression and Statistical Index Methods in Dailekh District,Nepal)[J].中国地理科学(英文版),2022(05):834-851
Tropical tree community composition and diversity variation along a volcanic elevation gradient
Rubén MARTíNEZ-CAMILO;Manuel MARTíNEZ-MELéNDEZ;Nayely MARTíNEZ-MELéNDEZ;Derio Antonio JIMéNEZ-LóPEZ;Mauricio JOSé-RíOS-Unidad Villa Corzo,Facultad de Ingeniería,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,30520 Villa Corzo,Chiapas,Mexico;Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,29039 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico;Eizia A.C.,29045 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico;Departamento de Conservación de la Biodiversidad,El Colegio de la Frontera Sur,29290 San Cristóbal de las Casas,Chiapas,Mexico;Orquidiario y Jardín Botánico de Comitán,Secretaría de Medio Ambiente e Historia Natural,30106 Comitán de Domínguez,Chiapas,Mexico;Instituto de Investigación en Gestión de Riesgos y Cambio Climático,Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas,29039 Tuxtla Gutiérrez,Chiapas,Mexico