Fluorination reaction of UO3 and electrochemical preparation of UO2
In this work,a technique was proposed to prepare UO2 from UO3 by the two processes of fluorination reaction of UO3 with NH4HF2 and electrochemical reduction of UO2+2 for the recycle uranium.The feasi-bility of fluorination reaction was firstly confirmed using thermodynamic calculation;then,the products were analyzed using XRD,Raman and fluorescence to be UO2F2.The fluorination mechanism was in-ferred to be UO3(s)+NH4HF2→(NH4)3UO2F5→ NH4(UO2)2F5→UO2F2.The redox behavior of UO22+on W electrode was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry,which indicated that UO2+was reduced to UO2 via a two-step single electron transfer with diffusion-controlled.The diffu-sion coefficient of UO22+was calculated to be 6.22×10-5 cm2/s.The disproportionation reaction of UO2+was observed,and the relationship between the disproportionation reaction and scan rate was discussed.Moreover,the electrochemical fabrication of UO2 was conducted by electrolysis at-0.8 V,and the prod-uct was analyzed by XRD,SEM and EDS to be UO2.ICP-AES results showed that the extraction efficiency of UO2 could reach 98.53%.
Rugeng Liu;Yangyang Meng;Wenjing Ji;Wei Han;Mei Li;Yang Sun
Key Laboratory of Superlight Materials and Surface Technology,Ministry of Education,College of Material Science and Chemical Engineering,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,China
[1]Rugeng Liu;Yangyang Meng;Wenjing Ji;Wei Han;Mei Li;Yang Sun-.Fluorination reaction of UO3 and electrochemical preparation of UO2)[J].中国化学快报(英文版),2022(07):3435-3438
Efficient degradation of tetracycline by singlet oxygen-dominated peroxymonosulfate activation with magnetic nitrogen-doped porous carbon
Shaohua Wu;Chunping Yang;Yan Lin;Jay J.Cheng-Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Petrochemcial Pollution Processes and Control,School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming,Guangdong 525000,China;College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Hunan University and Key Laboratory of Environmental Biology and Pollution Control(Hunan University),Ministry of Education,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China;Maoming Engineering Research Center for Organic Pollution Control,Academy of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming,Guangdong 525000,China;Hunan Provincial Environmental Protection Engineering Center for Organic Pollution Control of Urban Water and Wastewater,Changsha,Hunan 410001,China;Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,North Carolina State University,Raleigh,NC 27695,USA
CeO2 doping boosted low-temperature NH3-SCR activity of FeTiOx catalyst:A microstructure analysis and reaction mechanistic study
Wei Tan;Shaohua Xie;Wenpo Shan;Zhihua Lian;Lijuan Xie;Annai Liu;Fei Gao;Lin Dong;Hong He;Fudong Liu-Department of Civil,Environmental,and Construction Engineering,Catalysis Cluster for Renewable Energy and Chemical Transformations(REACT),NanoScience Technology Center(NSTC),University of Central Florida,Orlando,FL32816,USA;Key Laboratory of Mesoscopic Chemistry of MOE,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Vehicle Emissions Control,School of Environment,Center of Modern Analysis,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China;Key Laboratory of Urban Pollutant Conversion,Institute of Urban Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xiamen 361021,China;Institute of Engineering Technology,Sinopec Catalyst Co.Ltd.,Sinopec Group,Beijing 101111,China
Elucidation of the sodiation/desodiation mechanism in Ca0.5Ti2(PO4)3/C as promising electrode for sodium batteries:New insights into the phase transitions
Abdelhaq Nassiri;Noha Sabi;Angelina Sarapulova;Yingjin Wei;Bouchaib Manoun;Sylvio Indris;Alexandr Missyul;Helmut Ehrenberg;Ismael Saadoune-IMED-Lab,Faculty of Science and Technology-Cadi Ayyad University(UCA),Av.A.El Khattabi,P.B.549,Marrakesh,Morocco;Institute for Applied Materials(IAM),Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT),P.O.Box 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany;Key Laboratory of Physics and Technology for Advanced Batteries(Ministry of Education),Jilin Engineering Laboratory of New Energy Materials and Technology,College of Physics,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,Jilin,China;MSN,Mohamed Ⅵ Polytechnic University,Lot 660,Hay Moulay Rachid,Ben Guerir 43150,Morocco;CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron,E-08290 Cerdanyola del Valles,Barcelona,Spain;Technology Development Cell(Techcell),Technology Transfer Office(TTO),Mohamed Ⅵ Polytechnic University,Lot 660,Hay Moulay Rachid,Ben Guerir 43150,Morocco