Seasonal variations in temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in a larch forest in the Northern Daxing'an Mountains in Northeast China
Temperature sensitivity of respiration of forest soils is important for its responses to climate warming and for the accurate assessment of soil carbon budget. The sen-sitivity of temperature ( T i ) to soil respiration rate ( R s ), and Q 10 defined by e 10(ln Rs -ln a )/ Ti has been used extensively for indicating the sensitivity of soil respiration. The soil respi-ration under a larch ( Larix gmelinii ) forest in the northern Daxing'an Mountains, Northeast China was observed in situ from April to September, 2019 using the dynamic chamber method. Air temperatures ( T air ), soil surface temperatures ( T 0cm ), soil temperatures at depths of 5 and 10 cm ( T 5cm and T 10cm , respectively), and soil-surface water vapor con-centrations were monitored at the same time. The results show a significant monthly variability in soil respiration rate in the growing season (April–September). The Q 10 at the surface and at depths of 5 and 10 cm was estimated at 5.6, 6.3, and 7.2, respectively. The Q 10@10 cm over the period of surface soil thawing ( Q 10@10 cm, thaw = 36.89) were significantly higher than that of the growing season ( Q 10@10 cm, growth = 3.82). Furthermore, the R s in the early stage of near-surface soil thawing and in the middle of the growing season is more sensitive to changes in soil tempera-tures. Soil temperature is thus the dominant factor for season variations in soil respiration, but rainfall is the main con-troller for short-term fluctuations in respiration. Thus, the higher sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature ( Q 10 ) is found in the middle part of the growing season. The monthly and seasonal Q 10 values better reflect the responsiveness of soil respiration to changes in hydrometeorology and ground freeze-thaw processes. This study may help assess the sta-bility of the soil carbon pool and strength of carbon fluxes in the larch forested permafrost regions in the northern Daxing'an Mountains.
Lin Yang;Qiuliang Zhang;Zhongtao Ma;Huijun Jin;Xiaoli Chang;Sergey S.Marchenko;Valentin V.Spektor
College of Forestry and Da Xing'anling Forest Ecosystem Research Station of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019,People's Republic of China;Research-Station of Permafrost Geo-Environment,Ministry of Education,Institute of Cold Regions Science and Engineering and School of Civil Engineering,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,People's Republic of China;State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soils Engineering,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,People's Republic of China;Geophysical Institute,University of Alaska Fairbanks,Fairbanks,AK 99775,USA;Laboratory of General Geocryology,Melnikov Permafrost Institute,Siberia Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences,Yakutsk,Russia 677010
[1]Lin Yang;Qiuliang Zhang;Zhongtao Ma;Huijun Jin;Xiaoli Chang;Sergey S.Marchenko;Valentin V.Spektor-.Seasonal variations in temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in a larch forest in the Northern Daxing'an Mountains in Northeast China)[J].林业研究(英文版),2022(03):1061-1070