Effects of Zr additions on structure and tensile properties of an Al-4.5Cu-0.3Mg-0.05Ti (wt.%) alloy
The effects of different Zr additions (0.05wt.%-0.5wt.%) on the structure and tensile properties of an Al-4.5Cu-0.3Mg-0.05Ti (wt.%) alloy solidified under a high cooling rate (18 ℃·s-1), in as-cast and T6 heat-treated conditions were studied. The as-cast structure of the alloy consists of equiaxed grains of α-Al with an average size of 64 μm which is unaffected by the Zr additions, indicating the ineffectiveness of Zr in the grain refinement of the alloy. Scanning electron microscopy, along with X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the presence of elongated θ-Al2Cu at the grain boundaries; in addition, coarse Al3Zr particles exist in the intergranular regions of the 0.5wt.% Zr-containing alloy. After the T6 heat treatment, the elongated θ particles were fragmented; however, the coarse Al3Zr particles remained unchanged in the microstructure. Also, the formation of fine β'-Al3Zr and θ'-Al3Cu/θ'-Al2Cu phases during T6 heat treatment was revealed by transmission electron microscopy. The results of the tensile tests showed that the Zr additions increase the strength of the alloy in both as-cast and T6 heat-treated conditions, but reduce its elongation, especially with 0.5wt.% Zr addition. The 0.3wt.% Zr-added alloy in the T6 heat-treated condition has the highest quality index value (249 MPa). Fractography of the fracture surfaces of the alloys revealed ductile fracture mode including dimples and cracked intermetallic phases in both conditions.
Hamed Kamali;Erfan Kamali;Massoud Emamy
School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering,College of Engineering,University of Tehran,P.O.Box 11155-4563,Tehran,Iran;Faculty of Materials Engineering,Sahand University of Technology,P.O.Box 51335-1996,Tabriz,Iran
[1]Hamed Kamali;Erfan Kamali;Massoud Emamy-.Effects of Zr additions on structure and tensile properties of an Al-4.5Cu-0.3Mg-0.05Ti (wt.%) alloy)[J].中国铸造,2022(01):9-16
Influence of Zr and Mn additions on microstructure and properties of Mg–2.5wt%Cu–Xwt%Zn (X = 2.5, 5 and 6.5) alloys
A.V.Koltygin;V.E.Bazhenov;I.V.Plisetskaya;V.A.Bautin;A.I.Bazlov;N.Y.Tabachkova;O.O.Voropaeva;A.A.Komissarov;V.D.Belov-Foundry Department,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Department of Metallurgy Steel,New Production Technologies and Protection of Metals,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow119049,Russia;Laboratory of Advanced Green Materials,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Department of Materials Science of Semiconductors and Dielectrics,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Fianit Laboratory(Laser Materials and Technology Research Center at GPI),Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS,Moscow 119991,Russia;Laboratory of Hybrid Nanostructured Materials,National University of Science and Technology(MISiS),Moscow 119049,Russia;Laboratory of Medical Bioresorption and Bioresistance,Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry,Moscow 127473,Russia
Origin of non-uniform plasticity in a high-strength Al-Mn-Sc based alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion
Dina Bayoumy;Kwangsik Kwak;Torben Boll;Stefan Dietrich;Daniel Schliephake;Jie Huang;Junlan Yi;Kazuki Takashima;Xinhua Wu;Yuman Zhu;Aijun Huang-Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing,15-17 Normanby Rd,Notting Hill,VIC 3168,Australia;Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Monash University,Clayton,VIC 3800,Australia;Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Kumamoto University,2-39-1 Kurokami,Chuo-ku,Kumamoto 860-8555,Japan;Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility(KNMF),Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT),Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1,76344,Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,Germany;Institute for Applied Materials(IAM-WK),Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT),Engelbert-Arnold-Stra?e 4,76131 Karlsruhe,Germany;Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Institute,Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201324,China
Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanism of α+β dual-phase Ti-xNb-yTa-2Zr alloys with high performance
Ting Zhang;Daixiu Wei;Eryi Lu;Wen Wang;Kuaishe Wang;Xiaoqing Li;Lai-Chang Zhang;Hidemi Kato;Weijie Lu;Liqiang Wang-State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites,School of Material Science and Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai,200240,China;School of Metallurgical Engineering,Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi'an,710055,China;Institute for Materials Research,Tohoku University,2-1-1 Katahira,Sendai,Miyagi,980-8577,Japan;Department of Stomatology,Renji Hospital,School of Medicine,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai,200127,China;Department of Materials Science and Engineering,KTH-Royal Institute of Technology,10044,Stockholm,Sweden;School of Engineering,Edith Cowan University,270 Joondalup Drive,Joondalup,Perth,WA 6027,Australia