Imaging internal density structure of the Laoheishan volcanic cone with cosmic ray muon radiography
Muon radiography is a promising technique for imaging the internal density structures of targets such as tunnels,pyramids,and volcanoes up to a scale of a few hundred meters by measuring the flux attenuation of cos-mic ray muons after they have traveled through these tar-gets.In this study,we conducted experimental muon radiography of one of the volcanoes in the Wudalianchi area in Northeast China to image its internal density structure.The muon detector used in this study was com-posed of plastic scintillators and silicon photomultipliers.After approximately one and a half months of observing the crater and conduit of the Laoheishan volcano cone in Wudalianchi from September 23rd to November 10th 2019,more than 3 million muon tracks fulfilling the data selection criteria were collected.Based on the muon sam-ples and high-resolution topography obtained through aerial photogrammetry using an unmanned aerial vehicle,a density image of the Laoheishan volcano cone was con-structed.The results obtained in this experiment demon-strate the feasibility of using a radiography technique based on plastic scintillator detectors.To obtain the density dis-tribution,we performed a detailed background analysis and found that low-energy charged particles dominated the background noise.Relatively higher densities were found near the surface of the volcanic cone,whereas relatively lower densities were found near the center of the volcanic cone.The experiment in this study is the first volcano muon tomography study performed in China.Our work provides an important reference for future research.
Ya-Ping Cheng;Ran Han;Zhi-Wei Li;Jing-Tai Li;Xin Mao;Wen-Qiang Dou;Xin-Zhuo Feng;Xiao-Ping Ou-Yang;Bin Liao;Fang Liu;Lei Huang
Science and Technology on Reliability and Environmental Engineering Laboratory,Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering,Beijing 100094,China;School of Nuclear Science and Engineering,North China Electric Power University,2 BeiNong Road,Beijing 102206,China;College of nuclear science and technology,Beijing Normal University,19 Xinjiekou outer St.,Beijing 100875,China;Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,9 Dengzhuang South Road,Beijing 100094,China
[1]Ya-Ping Cheng;Ran Han;Zhi-Wei Li;Jing-Tai Li;Xin Mao;Wen-Qiang Dou;Xin-Zhuo Feng;Xiao-Ping Ou-Yang;Bin Liao;Fang Liu;Lei Huang-.Imaging internal density structure of the Laoheishan volcanic cone with cosmic ray muon radiography)[J].核技术(英文版),2022(07):84-93