Patterns of species diversity and its determinants in a temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest
Biodiversity conservation has long been a subject of extreme interest to community ecologists,with a particular focus on exploring the underlying causes of species diversity based on niche and neutral theories.This study aims to identify the potential determinants of species diversity in a deciduous broad-leaved forest in the transitional region from subtropical to temperate climate in China.We collected woody plant data and environmental vari-ables in a fully mapped 25-ha permanent forest plot,partitioned the beta-diversity into local contributions(LCBD)and species contributions(SCBD),and then applied multivariate linear regression analysis to test the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on alpha-diversity,LCBD,and SCBD.We used variation partitioning in combination with environmental variables and spatial distance to determine the contribution of environment-related variations versus spatial variations.Our results showed that the indices of alpha-diversity(i.e.,species abundance and richness)were positively correlated with soil available phosphorus(P)and negatively with slope.For the beta-diversity,environment and space together explained nearly half of the variations in community composition.Approximately 60%of the variation of LCBD in the understory layer,40%in the substory layer,and 29%in the canopy layer were jointly explained by topographic,soil and biological variables,with biotic factors playing a dominant role in determining the beta-diversity.Species abundance accounted for a large proportion of the variations in SCBD in each vertical stratum,and niche position(NP)was the ecological trait that significantly affected the variations in SCBD in the substory and canopy layers.Our findings help to gain better understanding on how species diversity in forest ecosystem responds to environmental conditions and how it is influenced by biotic factors and ecological traits of species.
Rui He;Man Hu;Hang Shi;Quan Zhou;Xiao Shu;Kerong Zhang;Quanfa Zhang;Haishan Dang
Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology,Wuhan Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan,430074,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100049,China
[1]Rui He;Man Hu;Hang Shi;Quan Zhou;Xiao Shu;Kerong Zhang;Quanfa Zhang;Haishan Dang-.Patterns of species diversity and its determinants in a temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest)[J].森林生态系统(英文版),2022(05):647-656
Dieback intensity but not functional and taxonomic diversity indices predict forest productivity in different management conditions: Evidence from a semi-arid oak forest ecosystem
Mona KARAMI;Mehdi HEYDARI;Ali SHEYKHOLESLAMI;Majid ESHAGH NIMVARI;Reza OMIDIPOUR;YUAN Zuoqiang;Bernard PREVOSTO-Faculty of Natural Resources,Chalus Branch,Islamic Azad University,Chalus 46615/397,Iran;Department of Forestry,Chalous Branch,Islamic Azad University,Chalous 46615/397,Iran;Department of Rangeland and Watershed Management,Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences,Shahrekord University,Shahrekord 8818634141,Iran;Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Management,Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110164,China;INRAE,Aix Marseille University,UMR RECOVER,Mediterranean Ecosystems and Risks,Aix-en-Provence 13128,France
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