Incorporation of nano/micron-SiC particles in Ni-based composite coatings towards enhanced mechanical and anti-corrosion properties
Ni-based composite coatings incorporated with nano/micron SiC particles were fabricated via electrochemical co-deposition in Watts bath, followed by the evaluation of their mechanical and anti-corrosion properties. The micrographic observations suggest that the SiC particles with various sizes can be well incorporated to the Ni substrate. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns indicate that SiC particles with smal-ler sizes could weaken the preferential growth of Ni along (200) facet. In addition, it is found that the incorporated SiC particles with medium micron sizes (8 and 1.5 μm) could significantly enhance the micro-hardness of the Ni composite coatings. Nevertheless, electrochemical meas-urements demonstrate that micron-sized SiC particles would weaken the corrosion resistance of Ni composite coatings ascribed to the structure defects induced. In contrast, the combined incorporation of nanosized (50 nm) SiC particles with medium micron (1.5 μm) ones is capable of promoting the compactness of the composite coatings, which is beneficial to the long-term corrosion resistance with negligible micro-hardness loss.
Bowei Zhang;Qiao Zhang;Zhan Zhang;Kui Xiao;Qiong Yao;Guojia Ma;Gang Sun;Junsheng Wu
Institute for advanced materials and technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Key Laboratory of Space Lauching Site Reliability Technology,Haikou 571000,China;Department of Materials Application Research,China Aviation Manufacturing Technology Institute,Beijing 100024,China
[1]Bowei Zhang;Qiao Zhang;Zhan Zhang;Kui Xiao;Qiong Yao;Guojia Ma;Gang Sun;Junsheng Wu-.Incorporation of nano/micron-SiC particles in Ni-based composite coatings towards enhanced mechanical and anti-corrosion properties)[J].矿物冶金与材料学报,2022(01):153-160
Effect of molybdenum on interfacial properties of titanium carbide reinforced Fe composite
Seungchan Cho;Junghwan Kim;Ilguk Jo;Jae Hyun Park;Jaekwang Lee;Hyun-Uk Hong;Bong Ho Lee;Wook Ryol Hwang;Dong-Woo Suh;Sang-Kwan Lee;Sang-Bok Lee-Composites Research Division,Korea Institute of Materials Science(KIMS),Changwon 51508,South Korea;Advanced Materials Engineering,Dong-Eui University,Busan 47340,South Korea;Department of Aerospace and Software Engineering,Gyeongsang National University,Jinju 52828,South Korea;Department of Physics,Pusan National University,Busan 46241,South Korea;Department of Materials Convergence and System Engineering,Changwon National University,Changwon 51140,South Korea;Center for Core Research Facilities,Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology,Daegu 42988,South Korea;School of Mechanical Engineering,Gyeongsang National University,Jinju 52828,South Korea;Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology,Pohang University of Science and Technology,Gyeongbuk 37673,South Korea