Experimental and simulation studies of thermal transport based on plasma flow motion in laser-ablated dense regions of Au and CH
A practical experimental method is proposed to investigate thermal transport by characterizing the motion of plasma flows through a x-ray spectroscopic technique using tracers. By simultaneously measuring multiple parameters, namely, the mass-ablation rate, the tem-poral evolution of plasma flow velocities and trajectories and the temperature, it is possible to observe a variety of physical processes, such as shock wave compression, heating by thermal waves, and plasma thermal expansion, and to determine their relative importance in different phases during the irradiation of CH and Au targets. From a comparison with hydrodynamic simulations, we find significant differences in the motion of the plasma flows between CH and Au, which can be attributed to different sensitivities to the thermal transport process. There are also differences in the ablation and electron temperature histories of the two materials. These results confirm that velocities and trajectories of plasma motion can provide useful evidence in the investigation of thermal conduction, and the approach presented here deserves more attention in the context of inertial confinement fusion and high-energy-density physics.
Yuxue Zhang;Bo Qing;Yang Zhao;Tianming Song;Zhiyu Zhang;Gang Xiong;Chengwu Huang;Tuo Zhu;Min Lv;Yan Zhao;Jiyan Zhang;Jiamin Yanga
Research Center of Laser Fusion,China Academy of Engineering Physics,P.O.Box 919-986,Mianyang 621900,China
[1]Yuxue Zhang;Bo Qing;Yang Zhao;Tianming Song;Zhiyu Zhang;Gang Xiong;Chengwu Huang;Tuo Zhu;Min Lv;Yan Zhao;Jiyan Zhang;Jiamin Yanga-.Experimental and simulation studies of thermal transport based on plasma flow motion in laser-ablated dense regions of Au and CH)[J].极端条件下的物质与辐射(英文),2022(04):40-49
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