Unidirectional bound states in the continuum in Weyl semimetal nanostructures
Recently studied bound states in the continuum (BICs) enable perfect localization of light and enhance light–matter interactions although systems are optically open. They have found applications in numerous areas, including optical nonlinearity, light emitters, and nano-sensors. However, their unidirectional nature in nonreciprocal devices is still elusive because such trapping states are easily destroyed when the symmetry of an optical system is broken. Herein, we propose nonreciprocal and dynamically tunable BICs for unidirectional confinement of light and symmetry-protected BICs at Γ-point by introducing antiparallel magnetism into the optical system. We demonstrate that such BICs can be achieved by using topological magnetic Weyl semimetals near zero-index frequency without any structural asymmetry, and are largely tunable via modifying the Fermi level. Our results reveal a regime of extreme light manipulation and interaction with emerging quantum materials for various practical applications.
Chen Zhao;Guangwei Hu;Yang Chen;Qing Zhang;Yongzhe Zhang;Cheng-Wei Qiu
Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583, Singapore;e-mail:;e-mail:
[1]Chen Zhao;Guangwei Hu;Yang Chen;Qing Zhang;Yongzhe Zhang;Cheng-Wei Qiu-.Unidirectional bound states in the continuum in Weyl semimetal nanostructures)[J].光子学研究(英文),2022(08):1828
Field distribution of the Z2 topological edge state revealed by cathodoluminescence nanoscopy
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Nanoscale mapping of optically inaccessible bound-states-in-the-continuum
Zhaogang Dong;Zackaria Mahfoud;Ramón Paniagua-Domínguez;Hongtao Wang;Antonio I.Fernández-Domínguez;Sergey Gorelik;Son Tung Ha;Febiana Tjiptoharsono;Arseniy I.Kuznetsov;Michel Bosman;Joel K.W.Yang-Institute of Materials Research and Engineering,A*STAR(Agency for Science,Technology and Research),2 Fusionopolis Way,#08-03 Innovis,138634 Singapore,Singapore;Department of Materials Science and Engineering,National University of Singapore,9 Engineering Drive 1,117575 Singapore,Singapore;Singapore University of Technology and Design,8 Somapah Road,487372 Singapore,Singapore;Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada and Condensed Matter Physics Center,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,28049 Madrid,Spain;Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation,A*STAR(Agency for Science,Technology and Research),31 Biopolis Way,#01-02 Nanos,138669 Singapore,Singapore
Terahertz structured light:nonparaxial Airy imaging using silicon diffractive optics
Rusnè lva?kevi?iūtè-Povilauskienè;Paulius Kizevi?ius;Ernestas Nacius;Domas Jokubauskis;K?stutis lkamas;Alvydas Lisauskas;Natalia Alexeeva;leva Matulaitienè;Vytautas Jukna;Sergej Orlov;Linas Minkevi?ius;Gintaras Valu?is-Department of Optoelectronics,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Sauletekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Department of Fundamental Research,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Institute of Applied Electrodynamics&Telecommunications,Vilnius University,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;CENTERA Labs.,Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS,ul.Sokolowska 29/37,Warsaw 01-142,Poland;Department of Organic Chemistry,Center for Physical Sciences and Technology,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania;Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology,Department of Physics,Vilnius University,Saulètekio av.3,Vilnius 10257,Lithuania