Heterogeneous Mediator Enabling Three-Dimensional Growth of Lithium Sulfide for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
1.Introduction Lithium-sulfur(Li-S)batteries are considered to be one of the most promising next-generation energy storage devices beyond Li-ion bat-tery due to their exceptional theoretical capacity(1675 mAh g-1)and high energy density(2600 Wh kg-1).[1-4]However,the commercial-ization of lithium-sulfur batteries is hindered by the sophisticated solid-liquid-solid phase transformations.[5-12]In particular,the deposition mode of the solid discharge product(Li2S)is a key factor in determining the electro-chemical performance.
Da Tian;Xueqin Song;Yue Qiu;Xun Sun;Bo Jiang;Chenghao Zhao;Yu Zhang;Xianzhu Xu;Lishuang Fan;Naiqing Zhang
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;Academy of Fundamental and Interdisciplinary Sciences,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;State Keys Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China
[1]Da Tian;Xueqin Song;Yue Qiu;Xun Sun;Bo Jiang;Chenghao Zhao;Yu Zhang;Xianzhu Xu;Lishuang Fan;Naiqing Zhang-.Heterogeneous Mediator Enabling Three-Dimensional Growth of Lithium Sulfide for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries)[J].能源与环境材料(英文),2022(04):1214-1221
Enabling Multi-Chemisorption Sites on Carbon Nanofibers Cathodes by an In-situ Exfoliation Strategy for High-Performance Zn-Ion Hybrid Capacitors
Hongcheng He;Jichun Lian;Changmiao Chen;Qiaotian Xiong;Cheng Chao Li;Ming Zhang-Key Laboratory for Micro/Nano Optoelectronic Devices of Ministry of Education,Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Structural Physics and Devices,Hunan Joint International Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Technology for Clean Energy,School of Physics and Electronics,College of Semiconductors(College of Integrated Circuits),Hunan University,Changsha 410082,People's Republic of China;Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School,Tsinghua University,Shenzhen 518055,People's Republic of China;School of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510006,People's Republic of China
Commercially Viable Hybrid Li-Ion/Metal Batteries with High Energy Density Realized by Symbiotic Anode and Prelithiated Cathode
Kui Lin;Xiaofu Xu;Xianying Qin;Ming Liu;Liang Zhao;Zijin Yang;Qi Liu;Yonghuang Ye;Guohua Chen;Feiyu Kang;Baohua Li-Shenzhen Key Laboratory on Power Battery Safety Research and Shenzhen Geim Graphene Center,Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School,Shenzhen 518055,People's Republic of China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,People's Republic of China;Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Ltd.,Ningde 352100,People's Republic of China;Shenzhen Graphene Innovation Center Co.Ltd.,Shenzhen 518055,People's Republic of China;College of Materials Science and Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,People's Republic of China;Department of Mechanical Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong 999077,People's Republic of China
Quasi-Solid-State Ion-Conducting Arrays Composite Electrolytes with Fast Ion Transport Vertical-Aligned Interfaces for All-Weather Practical Lithium-Metal Batteries
Xinyang Li;Yong Wang;Kai Xi;Wei Yu;Jie Feng;Guoxin Gao;Hu Wu;Qiu Jiang;Amr Abdelkader;Weibo Hua;Guiming Zhong;Shujiang Ding-School of Chemistry,Xi'an Key Laboratory of Sustainable Energy Materials Chemistry,State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,People's Republic of China;State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behaviour of Materials,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,People's Republic of China;State Key Laboratory of Organic-inorganic Composites,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,People's Republic of China;Yangtze Delta Region Institute(Huzhou),University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Huzhou,Zhejiang 313001,People's Republic of China;School of Materials and Energy,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 610054,People's Republic of China;Faculty of Science and Technology,Bournemouth University,Talbot Campus,Fern Barrow,Poole BH12 5BB,UK;Institute for Applied Materials-Energy Storage Systems(IAM-ESS),Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT),76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,Germany;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710049,People's Republic of China;Laboratory of Advanced Spectroelectrochemsitry and Li-ion Batteries,Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Dalian 116023,People's Republic of China