Gram Matrix-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Biometric Identification Using Photoplethysmography Signal
As a kind of physical signals that could be easily acquired in daily life,photoplethysmography(PPG)signal becomes a promising solution to biometric identification for daily access management system(AMS).State-of-the-art PPG-based identification systems are susceptible to the form of motions and physical conditions of the subjects.In this work,to exploit the advantage of deep learning,we developed an improved deep convolutional neural network(CNN)architecture by using the Gram matrix(GM)technique to convert time-serial PPG signals to two-dimensional images with a temporal dependency to improve accuracy under different forms of motions.To ensure a fair evaluation,we have adopted cross-validation method and"training and testing"dataset splitting method on the TROIKA dataset collected in ambulatory conditions.As a result,the proposed GM-CNN method achieved accuracy improvement from 69.5%to 92.4%,which is the best result in terms of multi-class classification compared with state-of-the-art models.Based on average five-fold cross-validation,we achieved an accuracy of 99.2%,improved the accuracy by 3.3%compared with the best existing method for the binary-class.
WU Caiyu;SABOR Nabil;ZHOU Shihong;WANG Min;YING Liang;WANG Guoxing
Department of Micro-Nano Electronics,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;MoE Key Lab of Artificial Intelligence,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;Electrical Engineering Department,Assiut University,Assiut 71516,Egypt;Department of Urology,Renji Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200127,China
[1]WU Caiyu;SABOR Nabil;ZHOU Shihong;WANG Min;YING Liang;WANG Guoxing-.Gram Matrix-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Biometric Identification Using Photoplethysmography Signal)[J].上海交通大学学报(英文版),2022(04):463-472
Diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia via a Novel Deep Learning Architecture
Xin Zhang;Siyuan Lu;Shui-Hua Wang;Xiang Yu;Su-Jing Wang;Lun Yao;Yi Pan;Yu-Dong Zhang-Department of Medical Imaging,The Fourth People's Hospital of Huai'an,Huai'an 223002,China;School of Informatics,University of Leicester,Leicester,LE1 7RH,U.K.;School of Architecture Building and Civil Engineering,Loughborough University,Loughborough,LE11 3TU,U.K.;School of Mathematics and Actuarial Science,University of Leicester,Leicester,LE1 7RH,U.K.;Key Laboratory of Behavior Sciences,Institute of Psychology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Department of Psychology,University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Department of Infection Diseases,The Fourth People's Hospital of Huai'an,Huai'an 223002,China;Department of Computer Science,Georgia State University,Atlanta 30302-5060,U.S.A.;Department of Information Systems,Faculty of Computing and Information Technology,King Abdulaziz University Jeddah 21589,Saudi Arabia